(HELP)Converting XPS model or anything to DAZ Clothing

So recently i just tried to converting some of the game asset (mostly XPS) to Daz Clothing using blender, here are my workflow :
1. i exported base figure from daz (i'm using Genesis 8.1 Female)
2. i posed the model so it match the default pose of the Genesis figure
3. i fix some poke through in sculpt mode and doing some adjustment to perfectly cover the Genesis figure
4. i exported the clothes as an obj
5. i apply the texture
6. i imported the obj and use transfer utility (source : genesis 8 & target : clothing.obj)
for some reason it match nicely to the model but sometimes it can get messy when trying several pose or applying it to another morph, i try to use the smoothing modifier but the clothes always begin to tear apart :/
so is there anything wrong / i missed on those workflow & can anyone tell me the proper step to convert model to DAZ Clothing
thank you for your response, aprreciated it :)
here are some photo
1. the clothing seems doing okay
2. when i move the arm the clothing now look kinda weird
3. the clothing begin to tear as i applied the smoothing modifier

Be sure to check the EULA of the game creator to be sure what you are doing is allowable before getting to involved.
it is not welded and also will fall apart if Dforce applied.
I found this with Skyrim clothing too.
I weld it in Ultimate Unwrap 3D without destroying UV mapping I have no idea if you can do that in Blender.
You can. https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/2.80/modeling/meshes/editing/vertices.html#merge-by-distance
can you please explain it to me how it's done without changing the uv mapping
In Blender, tab into edit mode, select the overlapping vertices that need to be welded together (both sets, not just one), and hit the M key to bring up the merge menu. Choose merge by distance.
There's also a weld modifier that will get applied when you export, if you'd rather do it nondestructively.
indeed Margrave will need to explain not me because UU3D is the only thing your's truly can weld stuff in without breaking the UV