Llola Lane's FREE STUFF

Hi Everyone... 2015 is my year of TEXTURES!!!
I will be adding new textures weekly... so ya may wanna bookmark this thread. You will need to download or have the "item" for my textures to work... Don't worry... I'll put links for you. ;)
This is part of my ongoing New Years resolution... TEXTURES... :)
Here is my first texture for... Sanbie's TC1... The zip is in Llola's Room here... http://www.pfddelights.com/index.php?topic=905.0
You will NEED Sanbie's Texture Challenge 1 outfit for Victoria 4... it can be found here... http://www.pfddelights.com/index.php?topic=717.0
You can find the DAZ texture set under ...
and the POSER set is under...
There is displacement on both versions but it may look a tiny bit different in each program.

Here's another TextureChallenge 1 texture... created by me.. from scanned fabric then made into my own pattern. The embroidery I did on my Embroidery Sewing Machine ;)
For my texture go to Llola's Room here... http://www.pfddelights.com/index.php?topic=905.msg1766#msg1766
Sanbie's Texture Challenge 1 outfit for Victoria 4... found here... http://www.pfddelights.com/index.php?topic=717.0
There is a DAZ texture set under ...
and the Poser set is under...
There is displacement on both versions but it may look a tiny bit different in each program.
Thank You, those looks very good. TC are great :).
You are most welcome gulan... Glad you like them... There are a lot of texture challenges and by the end of the year I'm gonna be an expert ;)
Here’s TextureChallenge 2 textures… with texture fabric for the outfits created by me.
For my textures go to Llola’s Room here… http://www.pfddelights.com/index.php?topic=909.msg1769#msg1769
Sanbie’s Texture Challenge 2 outfit for Victoria 4 and Aiko 4… found here… http://www.pfddelights.com/index.php?topic=717.msg674#msg674
The DAZ texture sets are under ...
and the Poser sets are under…
There is displacement on both versions but it may look a tiny bit different in each program.
Here’s TextureChallenge 3 textures… with texture fabric for the outfits created by me.
For my textures go to Llola’s Room here… http://www.pfddelights.com/index.php?topic=915.msg1779#msg1779
Sanbie’s Texture Challenge 3 outfit for Mavka… found here… http://www.pfddelights.com/index.php?topic=719.msg675#msg675
This is my first original character... I hope you like her. Her name is Lloka and she is for Mavka (please note... you need Mavka, by Smay, for my character to work)
also included is a texture set for Sanbie's FREE Texture Challenge 3 outfit
For more information please read the text document in the zip file... It can be found in my room here... http://www.pfddelights.com/index.php?topic=915.msg1800#msg1800
or here...
Thank You, those textures looks very good. I need to download them.
Thank you Gulan.. she was a fun character to make... I can't wait to see what you make with her :)
I wish i had Mavka. Maybe it is a mistake but i mostly don't download things for figures I don't have except really good ones. And for TC I used to download them regularly, but stoped before few months. I hope I will catch up and download them soon, I also need to update my Wilmap collection with new models and textures.
Lately I was thinking how I could download older freebies from Renderosity, there are 1212 pages there x24 items (lets say I have at least 1/4). My computer is a bit older but still works good and till i get new one I will have to work with this I have. My plan is to download what I can and work with it, hoping to put to test older things and figures. I need to work harder and good motivation to make it all work :D
Hum.. Gulan... I must admit my hard drive is FILLED with freebies that I haven't used yet. When I was new with DAZ I downloaded all the current freebies at rendo that I could... they are still sitting 3 years later unopened and unused. I'd say... only download things you think you will use. The freebies will always be there later if you find a need for something. It's not like they are going away... LOL
I was thinking about that lately and I have to say that it might be not that way. I also have lots of freebies and I was thinking would it be easier to just make my own ones when i need them, but i probably wouldn't be able to do that. So what I have is 2 external HDs (one backup) with 300gb of mostly DS/Bryce things. I can't say I use them much often yet but I think I will be able to make nice things in the future if everything keeps working.
I don't like to speak about me (because by my opinion i live a bit too far from civilization then I would like) but as i was helped by a friend when i was in need i better say what i have. When I was new to DS (around Ver 1.0), I had computer that most of the time just restarted when I tried working with a bit more complicated things like games with better graphics and so on). Yet from those times I remember DAZ being great and for me very inspiring (with lots of freebies) and around I think 2008 I got this computer. Good thing about it is that it was stable (having intel processor which is a bit more expensive but worth it as it still works great). Here we have troubles with electricty and whenever there is a bit stronger storm or wind my computers are in danger of high voltage. That is how my first computer got burned, then after a repair it started reseting itself.
Now I have UPS for my desktop and things are a bit safer, anyway this seems like it will be a long story but I will try to be short as I can. When DS4.5 showed up I was in doubt should I work with it knowing that i will need a lot of space on my HD. But that friend from Sixus1 encouraged me pointing things that might be good and that is how I got into things as I actualy realizedthat I should give DS a go. Later I got external HDs that are really helpful and You can store a lot of space on them, and they are still relatively cheap 100 smaller and bigger 200e here where I live.
And about freebies, they are going away very fast. Things are better with ShareCG now but still smaller sites have their time of lasting and that is about 3-4years maybe. Just one example from Renderosity, i was downloading freebies and suddenly all collection was deleted, luck was that I had saved most liked things from there at first then later when I wanted to download others that happened, still there were some back ups but some things were lost. It happened to me also with my collection of CCG Cards, i just gave up on my complete collection of MECCG cards and RPG books, you can see how they look here https://www.google.com/search?q=meccg&safe=off&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=HpEFVYC2L4TYU663gNAB&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAg&biw=1024&bih=639 just because I didn't had space for all that. How I wish now that I have those :(.
Anyway I have to say that I am happy DS user atm, with lots of content, and i expect to use it for a long time (I am still not into programming but I will try it sometime in the future). My goal is to get as much as I can and I hope I will have place for all that I can get and be able to use it when I need. Good thing about DS now is that even my older computer can work with most of the content and I always can work with older freebies. I am hoping to get new computer but I will probably wait for Windows 10 to get one with computer if possible here where I am (Montenegro) I have seen desktop with Win8. I was thinking about Laptop (because of electricity problem here) but if I am going to work with graphics I will really need good desktop computer.
I mostly use DS for illustration. I used to write some RPG books (serbian language, now trying to do english:)) and to be able to make nice graphics for it would be a great thing. I also run some websites but nothing big, yet I am trying to do what I can :)
And finaly something interesting I have discovered lately, if you are into freebies :) http://www.renderosity.com/mod/freestuff/?item_id=59963
Hi everyone... I've been working hard this week on textures and I have two that I hope you will love for Sanbie's TC5 outfit for V4 and A4.
The zip file is in my room here.. http://www.pfddelights.com/index.php?topic=922.msg1807#msg1807
or here.. http://www.sharecg.com/v/80101/browse/11/Poser/TC5-textures-by-Llola-Lane
They are very good looking, Thank You. I will have to download them as soon as I can :). I probably should have downloaded them already but i still didn't. Atm I am downloading some WW2 planes and similar things I hope I will finish with that soon.
Thank you gulan.. glad you like them... No rush.. I'll keep them up for a while. So far I think you are the only one that has noticed this thread... LOL
I don't think so. I have been fan of TC for at least a year now. Though I need to download latest things, and any additional texture for me is just really good thing as I am trying to keep them up to date for any product I have. I know how it is not easy to make things so anyone who tries to do it have my support. I have made only one transparency map for wings till now so ...
Right now I am trying to see what is happening with Shape magic :) need to fisnish downloading that too. Almost done :) then I might try creating something, I mean finish creating something :) Then I might try Hexagon if I feel like creating something on my own, and I do feel lately it seems.
Anyway thanks for keeping them up, I will try updating my TC collection as soon as I can :)
my pleasure... I'll post more next Friday ... TC6 (for V4 and A4) is next ;)
That sounds good, thank You. Lets hope I will do things that I planed also :)
Hi everyone… Hope you all are well.
I only had time to work on one texture set this week... I hope you like it... It's for Sanbie’s TC6 outfit for V4 and A4.
FYI.. the geometry files are in my zip. (to find the files...please see the READ ME in the zip)
The zip file is in my room here.. http://www.pfddelights.com/index.php?topic=937.0
or here.. http://www.sharecg.com/v/80175/browse/11/Poser/TC6-textures-for-V4-A4-by-Llola-Lane
more textures by others for this outfit are here...
and here...
Thank You, it looks very good just one thing I was thinking that link to original model would be good to have. I had problems finding original model even in my files it seems i missed it. Here it is there are also 2 additional textures instead of one shown for this model on base link and it is avilable for commercial use also contrary to this entry here https://poserdazfreebies.orain.org/wiki/Texture_Challenge_6
Now for texture I really like it and probably will try to make some wizard type character for it :). Thanks. I will try downloading other TCs and sorting them.
The geometry files are IN my zip Gulan.. Sanbie said I can include them... but you bring up a good point about the OTHERs textures. This thread was supposed to be about MY textures... but I can see your point. I never even thought of that. I will include her link from now on... but you don't need to go there... the geometry files are in my zips. Thank you for bringing it to my attention :)
Oh.. I see you are showing the Wiki link with your last post... good idea.. Forgot about that too... LOL. I'll add it to my post with the outfit. ;)
Yes I was thinking like it was said here for example http://www.sharecg.com/v/80186/browse/21/DAZ-Studio/Textures-for-Sanbies-Texture-Challenge-49
Most of the time I like to see link for the product textures are made for except if it isn't really easy to find it. Also it would be good to say in description if textures include models for them. I didn't know that original model is with textures so i downloaded it from that link i posted :)
And finaly my opinion is that additional textures should go separately from original model files because if they are about to be updated it can be done more easy then if they are pared with model. Just my experience I used to rar all textures I have with model, but later I got problems when i needed to update files and catalogue them :)
Hope I am not talking to much, I will catch up with the rest of TCs and textures made for them hopefuly :) had a busy week and will need to work outside more from now on but will try to say thanks for anything made, that will be my goal from next year :).
Looking good LL
Thank you kindly Sanbie... I know it's been a while since I've made any textures.. I'm starting to feel the 'bug' again... so I may be making more soon ;) Thanks for the GREAT outfits! Hugzzzzzzzz
Hum... so... I forgot I started this thread back in 2015! I've since made lots of freebies for the Fantasy Attic Holiday Gifts page... here are a few links...
https://www.thefantasiesattic.net/halloween/2021/index.html (Days 1, 19, 29, 31 (Halloween Day)
https://www.thefantasiesattic.net/xmas/2021/index.html (Days 6, 17, 25 (Christmas Day), 27, 30, and 31 (New Years Eve)
I'll be posting more of my freebies as I make them. ENJOY!
Here are year 2020 freebies
https://www.thefantasiesattic.net/halloween/2020/index.html (Day 25)
https://www.thefantasiesattic.net/xmas/2020/index.html (Days 5, 10, 16, 19, 23, 28, and 31 New Years Eve)
Thanks for all the freebies Llola Lane and hope you have a great 2022
Oh... Thank you kindly Faeryl... I wish for you the same. I'm already working on new items for the 2022 gift page ;)
My Freebies from the 2022 FA Annual Community Christmas Gifts page... https://www.thefantasiesattic.net/xmas/2022/index.html
Day 5... 3 Sundress Textures
Day 28... Triangle Xmas Tree
Day 30... Easter Brim Hat
Hi Gang... Halloween season has started at FA... and the gift giving has begun... https://www.thefantasiesattic.net/halloween/2023/index.html
Day 5

G3/8F Ball Dangle Earrings
by Llola Lane
Watch this thread for more gifts from me :) ENJOY!
Hi LLola, your earrings look great! Thank you very much!:)