Genesis 8.1 Male Tear not rendering as expected

I'm trying out the Male Tear for my character, but it just won't render well. It's always somewhat grainy or milky-looking. Am I missing any settings? I just added it to the character and didn't change anything.
And while we're at a closer look at the eyes... what are your settings for male eyelashes? :)

G8.1 Tear.jpg
1000 x 500 - 364K
The issue may be that Iray stops, by default, after a certain degree of convergence (pixels at what is taken as their final value) is reached, so tricky but limited areas may be left with noise. Increasing the Convergence Threshold (how many pixels have to be converged) or Quality (how fussy Iray is about what is converged) may help, or you can try using the Spot render tool to make the problem area a higher proportion of the total and so harder to overlook (set itt o go to a new window in Tool Settings and it will be the right size to layer on top of the base render with noisy eyes in an image editor).
Hey Richard, thanks for your reply. I stopped the above render after 4.000 samples, which I thought would be enough for such a small pic. How long would you let the eyes render to have a nice tear surface visible?
It can take a while when there are complex interactions going on, how long depends on the materials and lighting.
It looks like the eye socket material is white instead of the pink it should be. It's possible that if you fixed that it would look better.