Released - Billboard Builder *Commercial*



  • tsb2535tsb2535 Posts: 18

    Apparently i did have DS running when i installed it.  Shut it down, went and got a coffee, took a nap, read a boo...i mean, waited for it to do whatever housecleaning it's doing that keeps it from starting back up right away, and it had loaded the plugin, and the script started.  Thanks for the quick reply, looking forward to playing around with this.

  • Will there be a video showing this product in operation, and stuff?

  • ChoppskiChoppski Posts: 527

    I love this. I've wanted to create billboards to fill in backgrounds but the process of doing it in photoshop seemed so laborious. Now it's a few clicks. Thanks so much for this

  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500
    edited October 2021

    I have just purchased this but not had the chance to try it out yet. From reading this thread I'm a little confused about how to save the BBs. In one post you mention both saving as a scene subset and saving as props. Up to now I have been using Jay's method of creating my own billboards and have been saving them as Figure/Prop Assets in my Props folder. Is this possible with your script or not?

    A further question is: can they be re-sized using the normal scale parameters in the scene (the scene in which they will be used, not the scene in which they are created).

    Post edited by marble on
  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500
    edited October 2021

    OK - I managed to get back to my PC and fire up DAZ Studio so I can answe my own questions.

    1. Yes the BB can be saved as a Figure/Prop Asset.

    2. Yes it can be scaled in the scene into which the prop is loaded.

    And to answer my own point from an earlier post - yes, it is very much quicker than the manual way I was doing it before using Affinity Photo following Jay's method.

    A couple of tips from my initial tries: if you want ground shadow, turn on Ground in the Environment settings but turn off the dome (HDRi). Also, don't fill the circle with the figure as this will cut off the shadow that exceeds the circle. Make the figure somewhat smaller in relation to the circle (you can always render at a higher resolution if necessary).

    Post edited by marble on
  • CheetahkaCheetahka Posts: 168

    I wonder If this will work with PA RiverSoft Art: Now-Crowd Utilities what a great combo that will be! Anyone able to test this?

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099

    Cheetahka said:

    I wonder If this will work with PA RiverSoft Art: Now-Crowd Utilities what a great combo that will be! Anyone able to test this?

    The adjustment script from RiverSoftArt will adjust the billboard, to face camera, but as there is only one elevatioh angle, you might need to adjust the elevtion angle of the Billboard a little. 

  • mcorrmcorr Posts: 1,094

    do all three products work on macs and must I use 4.15, or how low (4.12?) will these work?

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,842

    I don't know about the minimum version, but yes, the products will work on macs.

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099

    mcorr said:

    do all three products work on macs and must I use 4.15, or how low (4.12?) will these work?

    Minimum version is
    I did some of my promos on 4.12 for this so the script works there. 

  • Will there be a system where you can place out a character, and it generates renders of it from all the different camera angles, to then turn those into a billboard?  Or is that something that's in this sytem here?

  • QuasarQuasar Posts: 651

    I have a billboard product, which is a set of premade billboards. I was surprised by how much space it took up on my hard drive. Since then, I haven't gotten anymore sets. Do these billboards save as separate props? Do they take up a lot of space if there are a lot of them saved on the hard drive?

  • carrie58carrie58 Posts: 4,033
    edited October 2021

    Quasar said:

    I have a billboard product, which is a set of premade billboards. I was surprised by how much space it took up on my hard drive. Since then, I haven't gotten anymore sets. Do these billboards save as separate props? Do they take up a lot of space if there are a lot of them saved on the hard drive?

    I think it would depend on how many angles you created the billboards for ,if the billboard product  you bought is one of the ones I think it is it comes with alot of angles/poses for each figure and there are alot of figures ,if you only create the figure you need in the pose and angle you want you wouldn't be taking up a ton of space on your hard drive ,and you would be saving on polys in your scene. I had a similar issue but got a bigger external to cover the issue .


    Post edited by carrie58 on
  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099

    nomad-ads_8ecd56922e said:

    Will there be a system where you can place out a character, and it generates renders of it from all the different camera angles, to then turn those into a billboard?  Or is that something that's in this sytem here?

    There are multi render tools in the store I think, but the purpose of Billboard Builder id not to make a gazillion billboards in different angles f the same item, it's to make one billboard.

  • Totte said:

    nomad-ads_8ecd56922e said:

    Will there be a system where you can place out a character, and it generates renders of it from all the different camera angles, to then turn those into a billboard?  Or is that something that's in this sytem here?

    There are multi render tools in the store I think, but the purpose of Billboard Builder id not to make a gazillion billboards in different angles f the same item, it's to make one billboard.

    First off:  Great Product!  I haven't used many Billboards up to now because of the manual workflow.  Bumpy sttart, but great product.

    It would be nice to have a Batch Builder product though.  If I wanted a couple dozen billboards built of, say SW Stormtroppers, I could batch pose and render them but I still have to go through and create each billboard one at a time.

    Another feature to consider (while I'm making impossible suggestions wink ) is to have the plug-in do the rendering.  So the workflow would be: Load Models, Pose Figure, Pose Camera, Run Billboard Builder.  Basically cutting out the user-render potion.

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099

    Windamyre said:

    Totte said:

    nomad-ads_8ecd56922e said:

    Will there be a system where you can place out a character, and it generates renders of it from all the different camera angles, to then turn those into a billboard?  Or is that something that's in this sytem here?

    There are multi render tools in the store I think, but the purpose of Billboard Builder id not to make a gazillion billboards in different angles f the same item, it's to make one billboard.

    First off:  Great Product!  I haven't used many Billboards up to now because of the manual workflow.  Bumpy sttart, but great product.

    It would be nice to have a Batch Builder product though.  If I wanted a couple dozen billboards built of, say SW Stormtroppers, I could batch pose and render them but I still have to go through and create each billboard one at a time.

    Another feature to consider (while I'm making impossible suggestions wink ) is to have the plug-in do the rendering.  So the workflow would be: Load Models, Pose Figure, Pose Camera, Run Billboard Builder.  Basically cutting out the user-render potion.

    I thought of that, but considered that it wasn't to be a billboard factory product, but more of creating billboards on demand.


  • +1 For Billboard Factory

  • Doc AcmeDoc Acme Posts: 1,153

    Not a problem per se, but definitely something to keep in mind:

    When placing the billboards, keep in mind overlapping. Easily fixed in most cases by just offsetting on the Z.

    But why should this be happening using pngs?

    All same Z dist.jpg
    1920 x 1080 - 63K
    All Z dist offset.jpg
    1920 x 1080 - 86K
  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099

    Looks more like an nVidia bug. Billboard Builder turns your .png into two JPGs btw, basecolor and opacity mask.


  • Doc AcmeDoc Acme Posts: 1,153

    Totte said:

    Looks more like an nVidia bug. Billboard Builder turns your .png into two JPGs btw, basecolor and opacity mask.


    Thanks for that.  I'm out of state for a few days & on my laptop. It has an nVidea card but nothing like what main system has.  I'll recheck when I get back,


  • Hello, I am getting an error saying "Error setting texture map base color on the billboard prop." Is there something I am missing?

  • Sorry, I figured it out. It was set in a different folder.

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