Wireframe renders like the new splash page?

Hi Everyone,
I was wondering if Daz has now some way to actually render out wireframes, since I saw the new splash page, and while I do understand it's been composited, I wonder if the wire layer is one with the matte underneath.
My current, very slow, workflow, is to set the figure's emission to white, hide everything apart from that, and the overlay the image on a matte render in photoshop. It works, but obviously a viewport render is not very nice to see, while in this splash page it seems like the lines are fairly smooth, as opposed to the jagged look of the viewport render using the method I just mentioned.
Thanks in advance!
I can not speak to the image your refering to but I do know there is a product in the store that lets you render wireframe https://www.daz3d.com/wireframe-render-for-iray