A little annoying thing in the "Morph Asset(s) Save Options" Menu

Hello guys,
Everyone who creates morphs in DAZ Studio must have the same slightly annoying experience: every time you open the "Morph Asset(s) Save Options" Menu, you need to change the product name. Let's say you are creating 8 morphs for your product named "Goblin". You open the "Morph Asset(s) Save Options" Menu for the first time today, you choose your Asset Directory, you choose Vendor Name and Product Name. So far so good. You save your first morph. Then you open this menu for the second time to save your second morph. The app remembers your chosen Asset directory and your chosen Vendor Name. However, it always stubbornly suggest you to use the name "Product" instead of your curent name "Goblin". If you are creating 8 morphs, you will have to change the name of product in the menu eight times! If you accidentally forget to change the name, the app will create a new folder named "Product" and put the copies of your morphs there.
Does anybody know a way to make Daz Studio remember the name of any product I am currently working on? I guess, it would make my life a little easier Thank you!
I assume you mean dialog(ue) box, not menu? You can save multiple morphs in one go.
This is something I do regularly but I'm not sure that I have the same experience. I routinely change both the vendor and product name so as not to overwrite the original data files (I think I followed the advice in a tutorial way back when and just adopted that habit). I use the same arbitrary vendor name for everything but I usually change the product name to something similar but not quite the same as the original. After the first morph on that garment (for example) it does remember the name I used and that is available in the little drop-down box beside the product field in the dialogue box.
In the D/S preferences dialog - set the name there to be exactly what you want appearing for Vendor.
I use notepad and copy/paste - keeping track of the exact names for the folders to paste them in the appropriate field.
One thing that can be done, is okay you make all your new morphs and save them one by one so the work does not get lost. Then when making and saving the last morph - save again ALL of this same set of morphs as well. When done, close D/S. Dig into the data folder and delete the previous "old" saves so that there are no duplicates of your morphs. End result: all your new morphs are in the one location.
This is the screenshot of the menu. As you mentioned, the app remembers the product name I used. The only problem is that I have to pick up this name from the list over and over again. Every time I am saying a new morph, the default Product Name is "Product". Therefore every time I have to repeat the same process: I have to click on this little drop-down box and choose another name fromm the list. Wouldn't it be better if DAZ Studio showed the recently used product name instead?
Hi Richard! I just put into the conversation a screenshot of the menu I was talking about. Please look above. Is it possible to make DAZ studio stop showing the product name "Product" all the time? Can it automatically show a specific name of my product instead?
Hi Catherine! Thanks for your feedback! I just posted a screenshot of the menu I was talking about. My question was about "Product Name" field in the menu "Morph Asset(s) Save Options". Is there a way to make DAZ Studio remember the last product name I put there? Can DAZ studio show it automatically instead of the default name "Product"?
It will help to avoid confusion if you use the correct name - this is a dialogue, not a menu.
You may want to look at these sample scipts, which would guide you to a script that would allow you to automate the process to suit your needs:
No. See post above for making scripts.
As I mentioned, I use a text editor to keep track of the folder names I want to use - pasting them in as required.
NOT for PAs ... I have seen some products in the wilds where the creators simply left that box to say Product. There is a danger in that method though if ever one creates more than one product from .obj files bearing the same name.
That feature could be suggested to the company via a Customer Support asking them nicely to put it in future editions of D/S.
Something to think about
Thank you, Richard!
Thank you, Catherine!