Switching the Viewport from Filament (PBR) back to Texture Shaded turns the background black.

I've only started experimenting with the Filament (PBR) viewport setting.
When I switch back to Texture Shaded from Filament, the background turns black. Only by reloading the Workspace layout will the background image be restored.
I don't see this - does it happen if you start with an empty scene, create a new primitive, switch to Filament and then back to Texture Shaded?
There are two ways the background might go black - a solid background colour (Window>Panes(Tabs)>Environment, Type set to Backdrop) or a Viewport background colour (Window>Style>Customise Style, it's in the 6.Viewports section)
Thanks Richard.
I have a default scene that loads on startup with a stardome background. I always start DAZ Studio with the Viewport in Texture Shaded mode.
When I then switch to Filament mode, everything looks fine. If I switch back to Texture Shaded mode, the stardome goes black. Every other background or skydome/sphere/box from that point on also loads as black until I reload the Workspace layout.
I checked all of the settings you described both before and after switching to and from Filament mode and they stay the same.
Any other ideas? Could that have anything to due with some buried iRay setting affected by Filament?
I've been troubleshooting for a couple of days now, and still can't figure out what's happening.
From observation, it appears that switching the Viewport draw mode to Filament changes the default lighting model for the entire DAZ session. Strange that simply re-loading a saved Workspace layout will fix the situation until Filament is re-selected. Everything renders properly in Texture Shaded mode, but the background being solid black is quite annoying.
I'd like to use Filament from time to time, but at this point, it's poison for my runtime environment.
Thanks for the effort, Richard.
Hi Richard,
It's hard to let go of this problem. Here are a couple of additional observations.
1. This problem is triggered if I select either the Filament (PBR) or NVIDIA iRay draw modes. In both cases the background turns black if I switch back to Texture Shaded mode.
2. Two screen shots are attached showing the style of Texture Shaded draw mode icon both before and after selecting either Filament or NVIDIA draw modes.
That's the Cartoon Shaded mode icon on the right. Is that maybe the whole thing here?
Thanks, again, Richard.
Attached is a screen shot of the Viewport Draw Style menu "after" I click on Filament the first time.
Sorry, I forgot to attach a screen shot of the Viewport Menu and Texture shaded icon as they appear on Start Up.
Given the confusing icons, try hitting crtl 9 (cmd 9 for a Mac) which, with the default shortcuts, will switch to Texture Shaded.
have got any lights in the scene?
the headlamp might be off, ctl L
Ok, so it's looking like OpenGL is only capable of one draw style at a time while the Filament renderer is in use. This same situation seems to be at play in another thread currently as well. https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/527691/what-shader-render-is-used-in-new-viewport-windows#latest
Is Filament very closely related to OpenGL in some way?
Thanks for all the feedback, folks. It would be good to get to the bottom of this issue.
I tried the CTRL+9 suggestion, and it had the same effect as switching to Filament and then back to Texture Shaded - background turns black.
I tried capturing a Log sequence while performing the steps, but the results don't provide much insight. It seems as though re-enabling Texture Shaded mode requires an additional programming step that has been overlooked.
Commented Log file attached.
ctl L
l for lights
Thanks for the suggestion, but yes, the scene is fully lit. Only the Viewport background is black in Texture Shaded mode.
ah look under the environment tab, background
also is dome or sky enabled and set to show
another possibly is the HDR used is not 2:1 in ratio and Filament is very fussy (should still work in iray though)
Thanks, again.
I render almost exclusively in 3Delight. I did check all of the iRay environment settings and they are correct. The skysphere/skybox/stardome backgrounds are all retail products purchased from DAZ and render perfectly either under 3Delight or iRay. Only the ViewPort display of the background is affected when switched from Filament back into Texture Shaded mode. All ojects and figures are fully illuminated and visible in any Viewport mode and render perfectly with the background in a final render.