problem with shaders - Error loading asset

I drag and drop any iray material, but it doesn't load anything, in the log file it writes me this:
Invalid node selection for "preset_shader" type.
2021-10-18 23:49:17.242 Error loading asset: C:/Users/Mirko/OneDrive/Documenti/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Daz Connect Library/data/cloud/1_13176/shader presets/iray/nvidia mdl examples/asphalt.duf
I have already uninstalled both software and content, and then reinstalled with daz central.
any help?
To drag and drop, you not only need to have the "Scene" item selected(scene tab), but also the "Surface" selected(Surfaces Tab).
What that surface will be called varies from "Default", for primitives, to "What ever creative name the PA decided to use that day".
I'd recommend using the "Surface selection tool"(Alt+Shift+M, to switch), as opposed to the usual posing gizmo.
This will make it easier to select surfaces as opposed to just the figures.
thanks a lot