Can't scale a new model

Just purchased "Log Cabin" from DAZ shop. None of the transform tools show up in the parameters tab. The rotate and translate tools on the upper toolbar work OK but the scale tool does not.
The screen shot shows the top level "Ground" selected and the parameters tab with no transform tool. Also selected the entire "Ground" children without success.
Does anyone know why it won't scale?

Screenshot 2021-10-19 at 4.39.44 pm.png
1057 x 653 - 618K
Possibly locked - try opening the Parameters pane option menu (the lined button in the top-left corner, to the elft of the Ground_1 button) and turn on Preferences>Show Hidden Properties, then (assuming that shows the scale controls) look to see if there is a close paslock icon on the slider - if so, click on it to open it.
Bullseye. Thankyou very much. What would we do without Richard Haseltine. Thanks again.