Daz 3d not responding

Hi, yesterday I made a scene with daz3d and I saved it and today daz3d refuse to open the file and it say it's say Daz not responding, well I guess it's because I run out of memory maybe it was bit larger for my pc capabilities but yesterday I even rendered that scene so idk anyone know solutions? Thanks. I don't wanna recreate that again
Post edited by suinomodz118 on
Definitely the Invisible Man. I'd recognise that lack of face anywhere.
Lol fixed the question now
Is it just this scene? How long are you waiting - an application can become "not responding" if it is busy doing something and so doesn't check the event queue, but may still clear once the taks is complete.
What does your log say? (Help->Troubleshooting->View Log file)
Attach the log (file) to your post with "Attach a file" above the "Post Comment" button, do not copy the text to the message area.