Finding Figure used for Promo image
in The Commons
If not listed on the product page is there any tricks to finding the charactes used on Promo pages. Even if it takes some time Ones I am looking at now are
I think those are Neftis3D hairs, but I'm not sure because you didn't provide a link. If they are Neftis3D, it's a custom custom character, not for sale. If not, provide a link please.
It's best to also post a link to the product page so people here can help. To me this looks like a P3D character with the freckles.
To find the textures, compare eyebrows (hard to see in this case) and skin (spots on face or body, freckles etc.). Eyebrows can cheat though, they may have been replaced in some cases. So it's not always easy with characters.
In this case I think the texture for the first one may be from Lilah (note the spots on the left cheek/chin, I think freckles match too). I did a quick test render for a comparison:
It could be a custom morph. I think Teen Josie 8 or one of the other characters by Thorne might be a good start, just dialed back to a lower value. The proportions of the face remind me of Thorne's signature look.