universal tool
Posts: 205
using the universal tool with an m4 causes the arm to snap behind the character when i want to manipulate the whole arm from the hand. tried all the all the XYZ handles and it snaps but the rotation works. ?? thanks
Do you mean that when you are trying to click on, say, the shoulder, to manipulate it, instead of "selecting" it the arm rotates?
I sometimes have this happen and it is annoying. What seems to be happening is that DAZ thinks you are clicking and dragging rather than just clicking. I suspect either I have dragged a little by accident, or else there is faulty feedback from the mouse to the computer (i.e., the mouse thinks I dragged, even though I didn't).
If that is what's happening, you can do edit->undo the last thing (it will be called a "translate") and then try again.
my bad, i had a previous pose on the character from a merge. zeroed the pose. thanks these little things i'm learning.