Daz Studio taking forever to shutdown

For a while now Daz Studio seems to take forever to close, by that I mean it's taking longer before I can restart Daz, I'm talking minutes. It never used to be the case, back when I had less Vram I would save, close and restart instantly, something I found myself doing quite often. Now it sits there in Task Manager for ages. If I cancel the task manually, problem solved, I can restart Daz straight away. I'm not sure why this is happening, but having installed Windows 10 rings a bell, or maybe an update did something.
Any ideas, or does someone know if Daz are looking into it?
One thing I just thought of, is maybe it was always like this, just previously we were able to open another instance of Daz, thereby masking the issue.
Next question, is there a way to load multiple instances, without using the script from within Daz?
I do what they tell you NOT to do, kill the process in Task Manager. Works for me.
...what I do is make sure the scene is saved, then click on File/New which clears the scene from the viewport and memory then close the programme.
This risks corrupting the files that get updated - the UI layout, and potentially the database, at least.
Instead of launching the DS instacne copy the command line it produces, then create a new shortcut/alias and paste that comand line in - it will then be there when you need it.