Trouble with Stonemason's The Streets of Steampunk lights

I was curious if anyone else has encountered an error loading the streets of steampunk, for the night time setting for the street lamps, As they are covered in the promotional images. I have relaoded this 3 times, and I still get the error, when the file loads, I don't get it on the daylight settings.
Many thanks!
This would go a lot smoother if you just told us what the error message said.
Are you getting an actual error, or just not the results you expected?
To get the lights on in the scene, you'll need to load the base product, Streets of steampunk Iray.duf, then, in the scene tab, select sopCobblestones, then double click on the Lights on Iray.duf, in the materials folder.
To get the 'look' of the promos, you'll need to use SteampunkRender10.duf, this changes the render settings to more of a 'night' than the others which are 'day'.
If you try going to "Scene only", under Environment(render settings), it'll come out way too dark. SM has adjusted the "Tone mapping" settings to get a 'brighter' city, without turing the lights up to stupid levels.