an idea occurred to me

it might be useful to have an option to remove orphaned links from the content library. often i find i have files which i have had to move (becuase they were badly placed for one reason or another) and find a lot of orphaned links left in the content library. a button that allows you to automatically go through and remove these would be useful, or even a way to do so without having to maually find and remove them.
Better yet, don't move the files (it will break updating too) but either make links in the "correct" place that point to the file in the "incorrect" place (right-click on the file in the Content Library pane>Copy, go to the desired location, right-click>Paste) or use Categories to do the organising.
Still, if you mean in the database there is a right-click option on the orphaned files I think - though for vendor metadata they will still show.