DeForce Thadeus Hair Broken

Hi, would love a tutorial on how to make this work actually show up (assuming it is possibble).

Been through every setting and the hair still refuses to render. Can see a shitty preview in texture mode but thtats it. Only happens with this hair.


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,848

    When you say "render" do you mean an actual render or just Iray preview?

  • Leana said:

    When you say "render" do you mean an actual render or just Iray preview?

    Actual render! I think i jus fixed it though. Does Dforce hair not render when Mesh Grabber is the selected tool? Cause eselecting a different one mkes it work. Was trying for ages! thanks

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,848

    Yes, selecting a tool like mesh grabber, geometry editor or joint editor would cause dForce hair not to render.

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