Help! How should I export characters to be able to move the bones properly?
I tried exporting a COLLADA with animations so I could use those in Unity but it didn't work. Now I'm trying to manually animate in Unity but I can't export a file that can animate properly. FBX can't get posing right, Wavefront made me want to smash my computer (I tried so many export options and nothing worked!) and COLLADA is just weird (it weirdly moves the bones. Not even the proper bone either) I'm at a loss. If you could tell me an export method that will enable me to animate/play animations (and have base posing correct) that'd be great!
Sorry, I don't completely understand what your are trying to say regarding animations and bones. However, it sounds like you had some problems with bone weights / rigging of the animation skeleton to the mesh. I don't know if you're just trying to export a rigged Daz figure that can be animated with custom made animations that you create in Unity, or if you are trying to export a Daz Figure AND export Daz animations for use with that figure, or if you are trying to export a Daz figure with rigging that is compatible with standard Unity animations. However, I have had success with all 3 scenarios using the latest Unofficial DazToUnity Bridge:
Hope this helps. Good luck!
I see what you mean but I do believe that the DTU plugin requires that I use HDRP to show up properly. I am using URP. Is it just a simple case of changing the shaders?
Sorry, I should have made it more clear and provided a link: the Official DazToUnity plugin will currently NOT work with animations (will hopefully be fixed in the near future). For right now, you need the Unofficial DTU plugin:
Yes, URP is supported. Please see the links above for more information.
Thanks! I will look at the links.
The eyes are invisible! I'm not sure how to fix this.
What version of the unofficial bridge are you using? There was a transparency bug in the older URP shaders, but I thought I had fixed it since v1.1 -- but maybe I had only fixed it in the new shaders. Try using the new shaders by enabling the "Use New Shaders" option in the DTU Bridge Options panel. Then click on the DTU file and select "Reimport".
Step by Step Instructions:
Hopefully, this will work for you. Unfortunately, if this works you'll have to re-enable the "Use New Shaders" option each time you start Unity until version 1.3.
Actually, please clarify if you mean the eyes are invisible in the Unity Editor or in compiled/built game application? Specifically WebGL or Mobile game app? There was a problem with that earlier too, but I thought it was related to the transparency bug that I had fixed in the URP shaders. It might have been a separate bug.
I confirmed that the invisible/transparent eyes are still present when building a WebGL app with the old shaders, but is FIXED and working properly when building WebGL apps with the New Shaders. Old and new shaders appear to be working in URP desktop for me.
Thanks! I am usingv1.1. I will update the shaders as soon as I can.
I am now using 1.2 as of 3:44 PST on November second
Ahm... What program do I use for the DTU file as it is an extension I have never seen before.
You don't need any additional program. All of those instructions are to be done from inside Unity. Switch to the Unity Editor window. Load your project. Then follow the step by step instructions. You should never need to switch away from the Unity Editor.... just interact with the main menu, then the DTU bridge dialog window -- which is a sub-window of Unity, then the Project pane which which is a default window docked into the main Unity Editor window. Hope that clears up any confusion!