My octopus needs better moves ...
in The Commons
There are not enough bones (if I'm using the right word) in my octopus to get the realistic poses I want ... Since I am not a modeler or rigger, and will be doing this the same way I do anything in Daz, by the seat of my pants and just enough to accomplish the current project ... I don't want to waste time watching dozens of videos that don't help me add joint to my octopus without learning secondary software. Any leads to give me a jump start?
IIRC you do bookcovers or something along those lines, right? If you use photoshop, you can render out the octopus solo in a "close-enough" pose (I recommend using a transparent background unless you're in love w/ the pen tool lol) and use the warp/puppet warp tools (in photoshop) with a bit of brush work for shadows/highlights/etc to better perfect the pose in post.
Your memory is correct :) And this guy is indeed going on a book cover. I changed his coloring easy enough, but his tentacles need some love. And you're probably right. I try to get as close to a 'real' pose as possible before render, but I do a mess of postwork, anyway, so may have to go the photoshop route.
I've figured out how to select the one single bone that is my trouble-maker to get the octopus to do what I want, which is to grasp a bottle with the tip of its tentacle. How to I make that bone have five more 'joints'?
It's been ages since I've messed w/ the joint editor so I had to check, but if you select a bone, you should be able to right click and go to create > split bone, and it should preserve the links to the surrounding bones. From there though I have no clue if you'd have to adjust anything like weight mapping. If it's something you need to revisit later, the new bones won't remain in-tact unless you save the figure out as a new figure.
What about getting a tentacle figure and match the textures?line it up with the octopus tentacle so it looks like it is the tentacle?
I'll research YT to see if there are any tutorials on bone splitting ... thanks :)
That's not a bad idea since, in this particular scene, that specific tentacle reaches behind the MC to grasp the bottle, so any slight change in shape or form could be hidden from view. Good idea ... thanks :)