The heels feet pose problem

So some poses come with a heel pose, some come with a flat pose, some products even include both. Some heels apply their own poses when attaching them (and reset the figure when removing), some come with an extra pose file for the heels (which sometimes even include morph settings for instance for slimer feet)... I don't know but I find that quite a mess...
Is there a possibility to circumvent this? Is there a way to keep the heels pose coming with the shoes and ignore what the applied pose brings for the feet?
If you hold CTRL when you double-click on a pose preset it will open an option window where you can select which nodes you want to apply the pose to
You can select the feet (press and hold Ctrl to select both) then select "lock" - "lock selected nodes (pose)" from the parameters pull down
You will have to unlock them in the same way if you want them to change pose.
In your case, fit the shoes first then lock the feet.
Both options are not really convenient. I mean, the best way would be, if poses would always be delivered with flat feet pose and the shoes would deliver their own pose with a higher priority and then it gets mixed to the ankle pose. So running in low heels and running in high heels would always still pose the ankles for running but with added high or low heels, flat feet, trainers ect.