Could not open file...File does not exist

I've googled on this problem and found a few similar topics on this forum, but none of them address the specific issue that I'm having. I buy things from DAZ3D and install them through DIM (with DS closed). When I reopen DS (V, I can see the product thumbnails, with no white box, etc., but when I click on the thumbnail to open the product in DS, I get the message quoted above ("Could not open file...File does not exist"). But if I right-click on the thumbnail and select Browse to File Location, the relevant file is in fact right there. If I double-click on the file, it opens in DS. This is driving me nuts...does anyone have an idea what is going on?
I've checked my file paths (correct) and uninstalled/re-installed several times, but the problem has not been fixed. The problem does not exist for all products, it seems like it is mainly, but not exclusively, for products I've bought in the last year or so. Also, I didn't have this problem before--I've been installing exclusively with DIM for a few years now with no problems until this problem arose earlier this year. In the meantime, I haven't bought any more DAZ3D products in several months because I'm tired of dealing with this issue.
Help->Troubleshooting->View Log File
Attach the file to your post with "Attach a file" above the "Post Comment" button.
OK, I've attached the log file (I think so, anyway).
Two things jump out immediately from your log;
1. You are logging/signing in to DS, which is completely unnecessary when you install your content with DIM.
2. You have nested content directories, which is propably the reason for DS not finding the files.
Show us the folder paths in Content Directory Manager, just as I have done on the attached sample with all the paths expanded.
Change your DS preferences to offline use
See attached.
Yeah, usually I used to not log into DS, then at some point I started, not sure why. I'll stop doing that. Here is the Content Directory Manager. I have tried to set things to D:/DAZ3DLibrary (and the CMS file to D:/DAZInstallManager/cms). I have never used DAZ Connect (at least as far as I know), so didn't bother to set that path. I generally don't use Poser stuff, and try not to even install it, so I'm not sure what is going on with all of the Poser file locations.
Can you tell which content directoriess are nested? It didn't used to be like that, because it used to work fine, so not sure how the nested ones would have been created?
You have been using Connect quite a lot because of logging in to DS, all those products that are installed into .../Data/Cloud/ are Connect installations
At least the .../Davo_shockset is nested, as it is located inside D:/DAZ3DLibrary, just like all the folders with /Cloud/ in their path
Why DS doesn't find "P3D Katherina"?...
Is her user facing file installed in "D:/DAZ3D Library/People/Genesis 8 Female/Characters/P3D Katherina.duf"?
or has Connect installed/updated her into "D:/Documents/Daz 3D/Studio/My Daz Connect Library/Data/Cloud/[product identification]/?
That is annoying about Connect--I don't want it installing anything, since I use DIM to install everything to my prefered path. Any idea would would happen if I delete all that DAZ Connect stuff?
For Katherina, I'm not sure what is going on...I installed that through DIM, same as everything else...but when I just browsed to file location by right-clicking on the thumbnail, it shows that it was installed to C:\Users\Public\Documents\My DAZ 3D Library\People\Genesis 8 Female\Characters--a completely incorrect location. This is especially weird because I've probably uninstalled and re-installed that product 3-4 times by now, so I'm not sure why it's being installed there.
EDIT: I copied the Katherina files to the "correct" spot and tried to open the file in DS; I got the same error message, but now when I browse to the file location it at least opens to the right spot (D:\DAZ3DLibrary\People\Genesis 8 Female\Characters). But if DS knows where to look for the file, why can't it find it?
But oddly, one of the other products I'm having this problem with (Wild Boar) has been installed to the "correct" location (D:\DAZ3DLibrary\Animals\AM\Wild Boar\LAMH Figures), and yet I still get the message that the file does not exist (even though it is there when I browse to the location.
First you could move the nested folders out of D:/DAZ3DLibrary/ and check what they are.
You have probably at some time overlooked that DIM had "C:\Users\Public\Documents\My DAZ 3D Library" set as the content path, add that path to the DAZ Studio Formats also and it should work.
Have you checked that the Wild Boar is not also installed by DAZ Connect into "D:/Documents/Daz 3D/Studio/My Daz Connect Library/Data/Cloud/[product identification]/"?
Any and all DAZ Connect installed files take priority over files installed by other means, even in cases when the Connect installed files are not working and the other ones would (if not overridden by Connect)
To remove the Connect installs, select the affected products (you can select more than one in the products tab of Smart Content, right-click on one of the selected items, and select Uninstall. if you delete the files DS will still try loading them, and will ignore the non-Connect files.
You're probably right that DIM probably had that C: path at some point, but I never set it like that and changed it to my prefered path before I installed it must have been changed during an update without notifying me...frustrating. But rather than setting that as a content path, I'd rather clean it up. Is is simply a matter of copying the files over the right right path??
As far as I can tell, Wild Boar was not installed to DAZ Connect. I've uninstalled it again just in case...
Any suggestions on how to clean this up to get rid of all the DAZ Connect files and the misplaced DAZ Library files on the C: path?
OK, I'm trying this now, although I don't understand your last sentence. Also, some of the files which don't work, and which I'm uninstalling, show that they're in the correct (DAZLibrary rather than DAZConnect) path when you browse to them, so I'm not clear what will happen when I uninstall those? Will the DAZ connect or DAZ Library files be uninstalled?
OK, I just uninstalled a few things and re-installed them. Now when I open DS I got this message. and I have no smart content at all. This is incredibly frustrating.
The Connect Installation is entirely separate from any manual/Daz Central/DIM installation, having Daz Studio remove it will not touch any other installation's files.
While the database shows a Connect install then DS will try opening the files from the /Data/cloud/1_sku/path_to_the_file/ location, even if it isn't there 9at which point it will report an error) and it will not look in the plain /path_to_the_file/ location, so if the files are there that does no good.
And is PostgreSQL stil there? Is it running in Task Manager when DS is running? Is it available to Install Manager?
So when I closed DS and reopened it after getting that postgre error, it seemed to work normally, and Smart Content reappeared. When I installed new stuff and reopened, the same thing happened--closed DS again, reopened and it works.
Thanks for your tip on uninstalling from Product view; I've found that if I do that, go into DIM and uninstall the same product there, then re-install it, things seem to work.
I've been doing this on a one-by-one basis as I encounter stuff that doesn't work, but am wondering if it would be faster if I just deleted everything in the Data/Cloud path? Or at least I guess I could go there, look to see which products are still there, and uninstalling them in DS?
Meanwhile, won't ever log into DS again, what a pain....
Deleting the folders in Data/cloud/ folder without uninstalling will just cause missing file errors, regardless of whether or not the product is isntalled by another method. Don't do it unless you are going to do a full database reset (exporting the userdata first) and then reimport metadata to get the user data and DIM-installed data back.
Thanks a lot for your tips; I'll try to fix them by uninstalling one by one then...thanks again, hopefully I'll be able to clean things up and keep this from happening again!