3Delight Rendering Problems

Something happened and I am unable to render many 3Delight scenes. Many take very long time and/or hang up before completing. Some renders show the figure in a a semitransparent material, see attached. I suspect some corrupted code. I swapped out the Dzdelightrenderer.dll file but no fix. Any help would be appreciated.

2400 x 3000 - 2M
Swapping .dll files is almost never a good idea.
Are you sure the render is still set to use 3Delight?have you tried clicking the Defaults button in Render Settings pane>Editor tab?
Well restoring Defaults seemed to fix it! I had changed all the various settings but maybe I missed one. As for the DLL, it is my understanding that 3DL dll file hasn't changed in a very long time. I just swapped a recent install's dll thinking the old one was corrupt. Thank you Richard.
Well spoke to soon, Some scenes fixed with Default settings but other scenes still way to slow to render and many hanging. Submitted help desk ticket, but if any other thoughts that would be much appreciated.
Try merging the scenes into an empty scene - by default render Settings are saved with the scene and loaded on opening the scene, but not merging.
You may be aware of the old bug that renders figures semitransparent if motion blur is active (in rendersettings editor/advanced) but there is no motion/action on the timeline?!
I'd forgotten that one, thank you.
I did figure that one out, "motion blur bug", while changing all the rendering settings, but I don't think it is the only problem. Also, is it possible a scene would render so much faster in iRay than in 3DL? I do have dual GTX1080 cards.
It is possible for iray, especially if accelerated by the GPU(s) to be faster than 3Delight - it depends on which features you are using in 3Delight and Iray.
As I go back through the scenes I've been having troubles with, ensuring to use Default 3DL settings, I have discovered some hair,like Matthew Hair for G8M, cause hang or super slow down. Guess when problems start, time to start turning things off in scene tab to pinpoint possible problem item.
Speed up rendering of hair and transparent stuff
...just some basic tips that may or may not help:)
Sven, thanks for the links and corresponding tips!
Very welcome;)