Lake Muirne lacks files

I noticed that my DIM installed copy of "Lake Muirne," 71505, suddenly lost all of its files. All I could see was an orphaned box. I uninstalled it and deleted it from DS, then reinstalled it all the way back in DIM (in other words, I downloaded a new package). As a result of that, all I got was another orphaned box. What happened to this product? I no longer connect DS to the server, so it only gets its information from the downloaded file through DIM. Downloading the package manually made no difference. What's up with "Lake Muirne?"


  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325

    I would file a ticket, but DAZ doesn't answer those anymore.

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    Right click at the hamburger menu in the "Content Library" tab
    Select "Content DB Maintenance"
    Check "Re-import Metadata" and "Accept"
    It will take a while for DS to populate the list (a few minutes on mine)
    First uncheck all and then scroll down the list until you come to 'Lake Muirne', the SKU 71505 (the SKU number is easy to spot) and check that one and Accept/Ok.

    Did you get the product 'back'?

  • Lake Muirne had issues because of the accented character in its original name, and the fixing attempts did cause issues. You may need to install manually, without the metadata.

  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325

    I did manually install it. And I did do the "Content DB Maintenance" step. I suspect that the only way to sort this out is to do it through Connect, which I cannot do. Right now, I just need the actual files.

    I wonder if I am installing manually correctly. I downloaded the zipped product files. After that, I dropped the zip file into the download folder, with hopes that DIM would then install it. I can unzip the folder and put the files into their respective locations. Is that what you mean by manual install? You might ask, "Hasn't he done this before?" I have rarely purchased something from Renderosity, but I've had trouble with those.

  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325

    I read online about how to manually install and apparently the steps I used with Renderosity files were correct. I manually installed Lake Muirne, to no avail. Something has changed. Before I went through the steps to eliminate "Connect" installs Lake Muirne files were visible. Now, with a DIM only install they are not. I will have to submit a ticket-- for whatever good that does.

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    Wrote this a while back

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  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325

    A great thing you wrote, thank you. But it didn't resolve Lake Muirne.

  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325

    I used your procedure for making thumbnails and it worked on "The Cage" so I'm going to continue on with the rest of them.

  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325

    PerttiA, may I have your permission to mention you and your method in one of my posts?

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    john_97a982ce said:

    PerttiA, may I have your permission to mention you and your method in one of my posts?


  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325

    Thank you. I'm going to put this in my thread called "DIM only installs, without dead thumbnails & white box."

    Now, back onto "Lake Muirne." 

    I just deleted the files from the Support folder for "Lake Muirne" and reinstalled them again. After that (DIM only install. Not DS). Lake Muirne did not show up in the Library Content. I used the DB tool to re-import the Metadata. The image I created using my newly documented method did show up in the Library Content but not the product itself.

    To continue the troubleshooting, I deleted the bad reference from Library Content and re-imported Lake Muirne after re-installing it again. What I found was that somewhere within the code for Lake Muirne there remains a reference using the " ' " mark. That's what shows up in Library Content, although the "Support" folder content does not indicate the " ' " on the naming conventions. See attachment.

    Lake Muirne continuing installation problems.png
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  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,496
    edited November 2021

    John - I just read this. I had a similar problem with Lake Muirne, in that it was installed and was available through

    • "Content Library - DAZ Studio Formats - [My content library name] - Environments - Landscape - Toyen"

    but it did not show up in Smart Content nor in Content Library/Products even if I tried to reload the metadata for it.

    It probably needs a support ticket to get Daz to correct the metadata, but personally I just took the quick solution and used Notepad++ to edit the "Runtime/Support/DAZ_3D_71505_Lake_Muirne.dsx" file to correct all occurrences of "é" to "e" - then I reloaded the metadata. It works fine for me now.

    ETA: By the way, make sure you have the latest version from DIM (I think the installer was dated 23 June 2021) because I seem to recall the earlier version(s) had other problems.

    1445 x 826 - 197K
    Post edited by MelanieL on
  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325

    That's cool. I'll give that a shot and report back. May take a day to get to it. Thank you!

  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325

    Hallelujah! "I just took the quick solution and used Notepad++ to edit the "Runtime/Support/DAZ_3D_71505_Lake_Muirne.dsx" file to correct all occurrences of "é" to "e" - then I reloaded the metadata. It works fine for me now." WORKED LIKE A CHARM. Daz should take lessons from you on how to fix this problem. Others may continue to suffer, but at least you and I are all set!  :)     Angry John repeats, THANK YOU MelanieL!

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,496

    You're very welcome, John - I'm glad you got it working at last (just sorry I didn't see this thread sooner)

  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325

    I just received a reply on my ticket for this. "Emma" said she fixed it and made it available for the DAZ download and install. I uninstalled my fixed version and deleted my files from the "Support" folder. Then installed it through DIM and IT WORKED. So, DAZ has officially fixed this issue.

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,496

    Great, thanks for letting us know.

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