When I Export Daz3d model the Clothes exported like Props

Hi! I have problem with importing my exported Daz3d models with clothes to Unreal Engine 4 like in this post
The problem is that the Clothes is Props in my "FBS Export Options"(image attached in the end of this post).
All the clothes which pointed as Figure work properly. But clothes pointed as Props has problem.
Can I convert this Props to Figure somehow?
You could use the Transfer Utility in Daz Studio to turn the props into figures, Edit>Figure>Transfer Utility, set the Source as the base figure and the Target as the prop you wish to convert. That will, however, work only if the item loads in the correct place relative to a zeroed figure - if it requires moving then it won't, though you can work round that by exporting the prop as OBJ when it is correctly place and then importing that OBJ to rig (make sure you use the same preset in the options dialogues each time).