Custom pattern shaved side hair?

Does anyone know of a product/script for custom pattern shaven side hair? I've been looking at hair like Alivia, Meg (this is the one I like best for the look I wanted), Pattern Hair, but none seem to support custom patterns in the shaven sides?...
Post edited by daisuki.nekomusume on
If no ready made products or scripts, any tutorials how to get this done?...
I've been hoping someone else will answer this, because my idea for you will be difficult, but since it's been a few days with no response, here goes.
You could do this with strand based hair. Bit of a learniong curve, but there are some threads and youtube on how to make strand based hair. Short version, just paint the pattern you want on the distribution map when creating a new strand based hair.
You could likely also do this by editing a strand based dForce hair from the store, using basically the same method. Still the same learning curve. Obvios advantage here is dForce, but also this methos will allow you to paint in GIMP, Photoshop, or whatever 2D graphic software you prefer.
I guess I'll have to get proficient in strand based hair then... Thanks for the reply, it's at least *something* to try...
I already read a little bit on strand based hair, and watched a youtube tuto on it...
I assume It means painting the desired length as a grey-scale pattern on the length map and the desired pattern as a black or white (gotta find out what is zero and what is max first) image on the distribution map?
I probably would be better off if I can at least find a strand based hair from the store that at least matches the base I am looking for, rather than start from scratch...
That's basically it. I think white is max. If you're going to try to modify a Dforce hair from the store they are a little different from the strand based hair that you can make from inside DAZ, and because of the proprietary nature of Dforce strand hair, we can only modify limited parameters.
There are basically two types of Dforce strand hair differntiated by the method used to distribute and control them. Yous can figure out which type it is by looking in the surface parameters for the hair, not the hair cap, the actual hair. There's a sitting there called "Hair Generation Mode". The choices will be 'Target Surfaces' or 'Root Radius'. A bunch of things change if you switch this setting. I'm not suggesting that switching this setting is helpful other than to help understand what it's doing. If the hair is made originally with Target Surfaces there is much more that can be done to modify it. Options are really limited if the hair was made with Root Radius.
It seems that most PAs here tend to stick to one type or the other. There's a great thread with tons of info on strand based Dforce hair here :
The PA that started that thread seems to prefer the Root Radius method, and there is not a whole lot of info about the Target Surfaces type. I have not found much information about the Target Surface type anywhere else either. I have experimented extensively with it however, and I will eventually write up a proper document detailing what I've discovered. For now I'll say that you can fairly easily adjust the length, and distribution. More complicated is making straight hair curly, but it can be done, as well as some limited styling ability, although this has so far proven hard to control. All of the parameters really seem to interact with each other, and therfore the effect each of them has does not seem consistant between different hair models. Of note here especially is the interaction between the PS hair settings and the PR hair settings.
If I could give a more clear or concise answer I would, I'm not sure there is one. I really suggest just reading as much as you can on the thread I linked to and then getting in there and making changes in each of the surface parameters to see what kind of effect each change has. Also feel free to ask, and if I know the answer I'll give it.
No no... Elaborate answers are great... I predate the TLDR generation, and mostly prefer written tutorials over YouTube videos, as I can follow at my own pace, which usually means faster than the person doing the video...
I appreciate the info you're giving me here!
I got myself this one and looked at the pattern DUFs... Found bump and transparency map images, so I started to experiment with copies of the no-pattern ones, and got pretty much the look I wanted...
I *will* eventually look at the strand hair, but for my current goals this will work just fine!