Morph Sliders Not Showing Up

I’ve purchased a third party character and loaded it into Daz. It works fine except one thing: While I can apply the body and/or head morph to the base Genesis 8 Female at 100 percent strength by clicking the Apply Head and/or Apply Body buttons, I’m not given sliders that let me apply them less than 100%. Such sliders normally do show up for me, under the Shaping tab, but for this one character, they do not. Any idea how to make them show up?
Are any additional sldiers showing in the Currently Used group in the Parameters pane after applying the character?
My mistake: When I click on the Apply Body or Apply Head, nothing happens. The button shows up in the interface, but clicking it does not apply the morph. (I'm loading and and selecting the Genesis 8 Female base character, then attemting to apply the body/hed to that. The character does claim to be Genesis 8.)
Could you post the character name, that way we could possibly track down the issue.
If you're only checking the "Shaping" tab, try checking the "Parameters" tab, not every morph shows up in shaping. It's a path thing.
Also, check the log file for any errors, such as "Could not find property".
The character is called Ciera (from Renderosity.)
Sorry mate, don't have that one in my library, so i can't do more than the general ideas i've already given.
Might double check that the data folder is in with the rest of the g8f morph files, if using a standard install path.
Sounds like the installation has not been done right.
Thanks, folks -- I will check the install path and see if that is the problem.
YES -- rejiggering the location of the files has solved the problem. Many thanks to all of you for chiming in.