Geoshell clothing + geograft anatomy = invisible G8

The title does pretty much cover it. I have a G8 character with a geograft, load an item of geoshell clothing and G8 disappears. So far, I haven't managed to restore visibility to G8 using any of the methods I've found online and I would really appreciate some kind person pointing me at the right settings.
Have you added the shell, or aplied the wearables preset to add the shell, and selected that before applying the clothing preset?
If I understand your question correctly...I loaded G8F, then a character, hair and added the anatomical element, its shell(s), selected G8 again and loaded the micro bikini geoshell, at which point G8 became invisible, leaving the pale grey shell of the bikini and the hair. It's quite pretty in a surreal and slightly disturbing way.
Try selecting the shell, not Geneis 8 Female, before applying the micro-bikini.
Thanks for the suggestion - I tried it and nothing seemed to happen, ie no white patches in preview, but the bikini loaded into the scene tab. I then tried adding a texture, firstly by selecting the bikini, then by selecting the anatomical element, and finally by selecting G8 itself. The first two produced no result and the latter made the bikini visible and G8 invisible. Progress of a sort I suppose.
Just to be perfectly clear, the bikini works fine if I remove the anatomical element before applying it, ditto the bikini texture.
The anatomy I use comes with a "fix shell" script. Does yours? If so have you tried it?
I've tried quite a number of things, including supplied 'fixes' that work, partially. The frustrating thing is that I can get this combination very close to working but not that last step - some part of G8, geograft or geoshell remains invisible.
Using clothing shells can be a real challenge with geocrafts.
When they both use the same UV's for the surfaces you can also correct this by copy/paste the matching surfaces.
For example a geocraft that uses the torso surface and its named "G8F_Torso"
- Select the Clothing shell, surface tab -> select the Torso surface -> copy.
- Select the Clothing shell, surface tab -> select "G8F_Torso" surface for the geocraft -> (optional, apply the !Iray Uber Base shader first) and then paste the torso surface.