Dark Apocalypse: Shrieker [Commercial]
Posts: 2,525
So.... do you wanna see whats coming... SOON?? :bats eyelashes all innocent like: Well, do ya???
WARNING: If you have heart palpitations, a history of heart attack and/or seizures, are a girly-girl, or are extremely squeamish and subject to nausea, you should not look. You also must be 5'4" tall to ride this ride.
Congrats to the winners of the guessing contest! They have been announced here: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/5301/P45/#67253
Annnnnd.... my latest terror has been unleashed... errrr, I mean released as of today!:
500 x 650 - 322K
500 x 650 - 344K
500 x 650 - 261K
500 x 650 - 339K
Post edited by DAZ_ann0314 on
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I is only 5'2" can I ride if I hold on tight??
LOL just joking about the height (not so much about the squeamish bit)
Darn I'm just a little bunny so I am not even one foot tall. I am way under the requirement though even if I wasnt somehow I think I would just end up being food anyway O.o hehe :OP
I'm not scared!!!!
Well I am! But I'm here anyway.. LOLOL
Under the height but will hold on tightly for the ride.
I was thinking.... maybe we could play a game. A guess what iggy's set is game! What say you guys?
Of course not cuz you would totally sacrifice me for your escape ya meany! :P
Of course not cuz you would totally sacrifice me for your escape ya meany! :P
you know me so well!!!! %-P
Iggy has a set of....double ...erm nevermind that wasn't what you meant was it :P OOO OOO I know you have finally finished creating sharks with laser beams on their heads for your evil lair...is that it? Do I win?
Iggy has a set of....double ...erm nevermind that wasn't what you meant was it :P OOO OOO I know you have finally finished creating sharks with laser beams on their heads for your evil lair...is that it? Do I win?
No, but the idea has merit :giggles: And oh yah... Vickie has a set of those too lol
I have a different kind of set! Mmmmhmmm! :P So, bring on the pics Double Trouble! lol
Ok Game time! We're gonna play guess the set that the Mistress of Evil made. Rules - there are no rules... rules are for sissies! First three to respond correctly (or the closest) will get the pack FREE!
(ok, I have to have one rule - if you have seen the set sneak peek anywhere -- on facebook, or you are obviously privvy to these things coz u are a DI affiliate, you can't guess lol)
Its a critter of *some* sort
It makes girls scream (seriously, it will give you tremors)
It lives on land.... sort of.... but it is NOT aquatic
It is carnivorous
Its not crazy about the sun
Sand Worm?
With very very sharp teeth! :D
preying mantis?
Keep the guesses coming. Gonna let this run thru tomorrow, so everyone has a chance to get their guesses in
i'd say a snake, but snakes like the sun....
hmmmm a spider maybe? Or Scorpion
Tunneling Earth Worm like those from several movies... "I WILL KILL HIM!!!!" :-)
EDIT: For references -- "Dune", "Tremors", "Vexille" (has worms made of mecha parts), and let's not forget the worm from Star Wars:TESB in the asteroid.
(Hmm, not sure what they have to do with "fun in the sand," though)
Welllll... I never said that "fun in the sand" was a clue.... but I never said it wasnt either.
Now that you are properly confused... keep em coming!
Vampire bats with sharp needle teeth. Arrrrggg.............................................
I'll guess a Harpy :ohh:
an evil PINK bunny in a BIKINI with stiletto heels and a big straw beach hat!!!
HNAIATWAS??? (Half-Naked Ann in a temple with a sword?) ;-)
Sand, Land, Sunaversion?
I'd go with a Mole... but what's to be afraid of from a mole? I guess Ignis could teach us... jep jep!
HNAIATWAS??? (Half-Naked Ann in a temple with a sword?) ;-)
*dies laughing*
omg I am SO going to render that one day. *grin*
Well... what if its a mammoth mole, with fangs and red eyes. And maybe its a zombie mole, which is undead, and likes braaaaaaaaaaaains. Its obviously from Miami lol
*dies laughing*
omg I am SO going to render that one day. *grin*