Zbrush to Daz not working kind of

Zbrush version 2021.7.1
Daz Studio 4.15 pro.
Have been using Goz for years know the rules.
Recently a proplmem arose, basicly the goz works but does not move objects from zbush to daz.
1. If I send a figure to zbush from Daz. Zbrush opens and figure is there, I can work on it, but when I send back...nothing
2. I can take an .obj in zbrush hit goz, daz will open but no figure (obviosly path is correct.)
In other words only one way path for figure.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled both the programs for Zbrush and Goz For Daz
Paths are obviously correct.
Any suggestions (zbrush insists solution lies with Daz)
Thank you
Each time I have this kind of trouble: nothing came back from Zbrush (after updating Zbrush mainly) :
I clear the cache in zbrush and redefine the path to DS4 again even if it is the same place !
Quit both and restart. I test with a very very basic clothe to see if all works..
If that don't work, could try a GoZ reinstall on the ZB side. In your ZB install location, there should be a folder called "Troubleshoot Help", inside you can find the GoZ installer file. I used to reinstall ZB before I found that installer lol.
Have tried the "Troubleshhoot" several times.
Clear the cache after every attempt....still nothing.
This has been goin on for Three days