Strand Base Hair bends my character's neck down

Hello everyone. Newbie here. I've been trying to learn how to make strand-based hair recently, and I have something going on that I can't seem to fix.
When I create a strand-based hair, I use the 'fit to' option, but when it takes me into the strand-based hair editor, my model's neck is bent forward. It stays locked like that until I'm down, so the hair is always at a weird angle. I have to manually unlock the character's neck, but it's really glitchy and won't let me pose their necks once the hair is on their heads.
I'm sure it's just a button that's been checked somewhere or something else super simple, but it's driving me nuts. Does everyone know the fix for this?
This is the case for Genesis 8, and Genesis 8.1 male and female. Their necks still get locked and tilted down.