texture not found on import

I'm not sure if I started noticing it before or after using the 8.5 beta, but on rare occassions Carrara will prompt for a missing external component, like a texture map. I haven't double checked, but I don't believe the CR2 is incorrect -- I'm pretty sure I've seen it load the same file correctly, then refuse.
The strange thing is if you try to browse to the file the directory tree it is under is inaccessible. For example, the ones I just tried were under Runtime/Texture/.../... -- it was the Runtime/Texture directory that was ghosted and couldn't be reached. Thing is, other items from the same runtime had just loaded fine. I've checked the permissions and everything is good in that regard. When I've hit this before I've been stumped and IIRC canceling the file dialog leads to Carrara crashing. This time I was smart and used the embedded search box. That found the file and allowed me to load it. Next item to load failed in exactly the same way, resolved the same way. The next one loaded fine. All from the same runtime, all with textures in the same subdirectory.
Has anyone else run into this?
Well, kinda...
I've run into something similar after having moved my textures folder(s) to a different location. Carrara has no ability to set a default texture (or other) folder for each scene like other similar software does, so if it isn't located in the same place as it was originally Carrara scarfs.
If that's the case in your case, folks here will tell you you're at fault for moving your textures folder. Which is ridiculous, but whatever...
Though I haven't seen the ghosting problem. Or the crashing problem.
thanks for the response! But, no, I haven't moved texture files. I got a chance to look at the CR2 and it looks like Daz shipped a bad file. This particular one is Desert Soldier for the gen3 figures and most of the items have correct paths specified, but two of the M3 items give bad paths. Specifically:
when it should be:
Its like they changed their minds as to where the files would be stored.
I'm still puzzled as to why the Textures directory (which is the implied parent for the given path) was ghosted in the file selection dialog. I forgot to say that this is on OS X. On Windows with this particular flawed CR2 it fails to load, but the dialog is able to browse to the necessary file.
I'm fairly confident I've had this happen with an item that sometimes loaded fine, but no recent examples and none I can remember specifically. Oh well.