I am looking for a manual installation option of Carrara in Catalina.

I am looking for a manual installation option of Carrara in Catalina. I know that not everything is possible under Catalina, but you can still work with it. Unfortunately, the installation program is only a 32-bit application, so installation is no longer possible. does someone else have a solution for the problem. I still have a copy of Carrara under Mojave on a medium. Perhaps it is possible to search for and transfer the individual components if I know where something is and where it has to go. I know it's a stupid question or a crazy idea. I don't want to give up Carrara. Thanks I hope for help and ideas
Part 2
I looked for all the folders and files that could be found under Mojave in User / Libray and Perferences. then saved under Catalina. Now I can start the program. I can enter the serial number, but then I get an error message. The application cannot get administrator access right, you have to run it once as administrator or reinstall it ... What can you do ? does anyone know the problem I am the administrator of the system
Here is the nuclear option: https://techsviewer.com/run-windows-10-in-macos-catalina-with-a-free-emulator/
The message about 'Administrator access' is misleading. You need to run it as Root user to enter the serial number. Search the internet 'how to enable root user on calatina'. Don't forget to disable it afterwards.
Thanks it works now :-)
yes this is a way. i use Paralles Desktop an Mac os Mojave Work fin but Rendering ist slow.
I finisch the Job uns save it vor export an Render in Catalina with full power of my cpu :)
Here is some information I have used succesfully for some time ago
Found a solution in some corner of the daz3d forum, and it seems to work for now.
To repeat, the problem was that after installing Carrara_8.0.0.231_Mac64 and entering user and serial number, Carrara wants to start the app a first time while logged in with administrator privileges:
This program cannot get admin rights, please run at least once as administrator
The problem arises even when you are only user and you show up as the administrator in system preferences.
Open the terminal and sudo to root by typing:
sudo su
It will then ask you for your password.
Next, type:
cd "/Applications/DAZ 3D/Carrara8/Carrara.app/Contents/MacOS"
including "cd" and space.
Hit the enter-key.
"Applications/DAZ 3D/Carrara8" is where daz installed the Carrara app. Default directory name of that install would be "Applications/DAZ 3D/Carrara8 64-bit", but the installer lets you change the install directory and i removed the 64-bit part.
Next, type:
Hit the enter-key.
Now Carrara asks for a name and serial. Enter serial
That's it. When installing Rendernote, you will have to repeat the above procedure. Didn't install Rendernote myself, but i guess you'd have to change the terminal command at step 2- to:
cd "/Applications/DAZ 3D/Carrara8/Rendernote.app/Contents/MacOS"