Clock Works in store now A timely advertisement (commercial)

Every great villain or hero, is at their best in a clock tower. The big round windows the crazy cast shadows and all those gears. Now you can easily make your own scene with Clock Works, a set of props that can be hidden moved or re-purposed. I don't know if it works well for sexy pin ups? if you find out let me know.

1538 x 2000 - 2M

1538 x 2000 - 3M
here is a link.
You were inspired by the Clocktower in Stonemarket, weren't you?
A gorgeous game. If only 1st person games didn't make me dizzy. Curse you inner ear!!!
Hey, that looks really cool! May your sales be swift, and many.
Thanks, it would be a good place to chain someone up too. ; )
Where did you get the outfit in the first promo (the assassin's creed like outfit)? BTW, this is imo one of your best sets to date. I immediately thought of Assassin's Creed and the original Thief series, two favorites of mine. Really good stuff here. In the cart, of course!!
That outfit is one of Xurge's older ones but it very cool.
What I "miss" on the promo pictures is a pair of (moveable) hands for the clocks. So one could do a view from the outside inside the tower. I could imagine, how one person (the hero) hangs outside the tower on one of the hands and another (the bad one) looks through the clockface (with shattered glass) and try to bring the good one to fall.
And if one wall would be of complete concrete you can have more varities. But this are just suggestions (maybe for a later add-on).
I got mine, thanks! It'll fit in nice with my TimesKeep Steam Room.
-- Walt Sterdan
Yes, the guy from the main promo looks like of the AC characters. A little off-topic: as good as it looks, the whole idea the game is based on somehow puts me off. You can't Lytha-style in it (you are paid for KILLING people) and the sneaking is just meh (just look at those guards; Benny becomes Bruce Willis when compared to them). Anyway, I would love to see more content fitting Thief. Any ideas for a Hammerite outfit? Pagans are much easier to make in DS.
Hands for the clock would be cool so I did a quick prop set. Just add a black color to them. They load one at a time to the rear wall with centered weights so they they can be spun to whatever time you need. just unpack them into the right file location. Be sure not to replace your existing folder, just move the files.
Copy and paste the link into your url not a direct link: Works
Luthbel's "Paragon and Paladin" comes to mind.
Luthbel's "Paragon and Paladin" comes to mind.
That's a decent find, thanks. However, I admit I'd love to get true Hammerite gear without the need to kitbash lots of stuff.
That's a decent find, thanks. However, I admit I'd love to get true Hammerite gear without the need to kitbash lots of stuff.
What about Shadowsoul from RDNA?