weird highlights in hair

I am not that long in DAZ, but already very infected and so excited about what you can do.
But does anyone have an idea why my hair always has these weird highlights as soon as I switch to Iray?
Thank you in advance and *hugs*
It's noisy, I'm not sure what you mean beyond that. Does the issue remain if you do a full render?
This has been happening with some hair products for some considerable time and has never been addressed...I don't know if it's a product, Daz or Iray issue but it's been like this for months and months...
Usually you can get rid of those 'weird highlights' by going into the surface tab and changing the 'cutout opacity' setting for the hair from 1.0 to 0.99...that usually fixes it.
Setting "SSS Amount" to 0 under Surfaces may also help.