Gallery question
in The Commons
In another thread it was mentioned that there was a Gallery category called "MADEWITHDAZ" to which a link was provided. I have looked in the gallery and, without the link, I can't find that category listed anywhere. This makes me wonder if there are other categories in the Gallery that I also cannot find, so if anyone can tell me how to locate the "MADEWITHDAZ" and any other mystery categories without having to follow a link, I would appreciate the help.
Thanks for any replies.
I don't believe there is a madewithdaz category. Since most pictures posted here would be made with Daz of some flavor it seems a little not needed. It is possible there was a temporary category for some reason.
I do remember that in one of the contests when the gallery was down, the way to enter was to post on the social media platform of your choice and use the hashtag #madewithdaz.
There is a #madewithdaz in use on Instagram. I assume there is a similar thing on other platforms.
Hi Tobias,
The link was provided in a Platinum Club Forum thread when someone asked about the Halloween Contest entries. Here is the link that was provided:
I just don't know how someone would be able to get to this page if a link wasn't provided.
Seems to me that they have category = tag.
At the bottom of the page you get to when clicking the provided link, there's a link saying "Go back to all categories" and clicking it gets you to a page listing all (?) categories. Funny enough, "madewithdaz" isn't listed there, so I suppose the question remains, if there are more "secret" categories.
Yes there is, most of those were intended to be entered in multiple of the contests DAZ 3D and others have sponsored but none of the 1st page you see following that link were winners in the recent Spooktacular contest. For that you must go to Facebook and "follow" DAZ 3D, look about a bit on their FB page and you'll see the winners they chose (all winners were posted FB entries I believe but am not sure).