IRay Render does not match viewport.

Why are the handprints in my IRay Render so small? Horizontal and Vertical tiling is set to 1 and the size of the diffuse image is 4000x4000, which matches the size of the normal and bump maps. I would expect the render to look like what I see in the viewport. Instead, it looks the my diffuse image is somehow getting scaled and tiled resulting in the hands being rendered too small, while my normal and bump maps are being rendered normally.
What if anything, am I doing wrong?

927 x 843 - 122K

900 x 900 - 236K
I would first check Render-Advanced-Compression settings. Up them if needed. Change the offset and tile just a tad and do a test render. Double check the shader type. There is also another thread detailing a bug that looks similar to this.
Where did you check the tiling? With some iray shaders there is a setting in the Image Editor dialogue for each image as well as the seting on the surface, the two combine.
Thanks for your reply, Richard.
Upping the Render-Advanced-Compression to 2000/4000 does not help, I still get the "small hands".
Shader appears to be "DAZ Uber" and has only one tiling setting for all materials.
With the shorts surface selected click on the diffuse image map and select Image Editor, You should get this pop-up:
Select the tab Instance Tiling, and see if the tiling is set to something other than 1 on the Horozontial and Vertical Tiles.
Repeat this for all the surfaces image maps, to make certain they match.
Thanks zombietaggerung, you have solved my problem!! What a cool feature, thanks for showing it to me!!
Compression has nothing to do with tiling or resolution, it's about squeezing the data (with soem loss) to make it more compact in memory.
There is a per-image setting in the Image Editor dialogue - click the little thumbnail next to the proeprty (Base colour at least, though there may be other maps with the same tiling) and select Image Editor (not Layered Image Editor).
Thanks Richard!!