does Daz Studio 4 include human surface shader?

i could have sworn I saw elite human surface shader under "Age of Armor" folder. Is it in another folder in the productlibrary or do i need to download the EHSS seperately? I looked everywhere except in the Poser format folders. Ok, gonna go to bed now.
Elite Humans Surface Shader went out with DS3. It is no longer for sale, but was included with Stephanie 4, and the Elite Texture sets for V4/M4. Maybe you are thinking of omnifreaker Human Surface, or AoA's SSS - Subsurface Scattering shader, which are still part of the Default Resources.
Edit: Genesis and Genesis 2 had a lot of "EHSS" materials, but actually used omnifreaker uberSurface.
Edit 2: Had to check to be sure, but Steph 4 and the V4/M4 Elite materials all use omHumanShader now.
Omnifreaker's "Human Surface" is EHSS, iirc it came out during DS2's life time, so it's been around a long time.
UberSurface came out with DS3, but was locked behind DS3 Advanced, if you didn't have DS3A then anything using USS rendered pure white, there were a couple of tutorials on the old forums on how to convert from USS to EHSS.
You can't buy EHSS anymore due it being part of the DS4 install, and the base presets to access it being part of the Default Resources pack.
Thanks for the replies. So EHSS was for generation 4 figures then. I forgot. I'll go take a look at the surface tab now to see what I can adjust. Thanks for the tip!
i never noticed the folders labled HSS or EHSS in the content library until today. Some newer generation characters include the human surface shader. I only need to manually apply the shader generation 4 characters.