Looking for a magnetic stirrer ...
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Looking for a magnetic stirrer ...
Ha, flashbacks to college chem lab...
Looks like Fugazi/ironman have a similar one in this package:
Yeah, I last did an inorganic chem lab in undergrand a few (many) years ago. Fancy new lab building, all the bells & whistles. We definitely had everything in those labs even though we were undergrads. Doing stuff in ventilated hoods so we wouldn't poison the class. Good times.
I remember one time, I thought I was f'ing up the lab, not measuring stuff properly (like micro whatevers and whatnot)... repeated the steps over and over, then gave up in frustration. When I came back the next day to see what came out of the experiment, I was thinking I totally blew it.
It turns out that I created the purest sample of the compound, resulting in the biggest crystal in the class after the solvent stuff evaporated overnight. Despite feeling like I failed, I got the best result. Weird.
It was actually kind of cool even if it didn't feel like it at the time.
It worked out, but I knew that level of precision work was not for me. (I'd probably be good at it if it wouldn't give me a heart attack while doing it.)