Looking for a magnetic stirrer ...


  • The Blurst of TimesThe Blurst of Times Posts: 2,410
    edited November 2021

    Ha, flashbacks to college chem lab...

    Looks like Fugazi/ironman have a similar one in this package:


    Post edited by The Blurst of Times on
  • CHWTCHWT Posts: 1,183
    My last chemistry lab session was in high school. Sadly there was no magnetic stirrer in the lab. Students had to use the glass rods to stir those colorful stuffs in the beakers rigorously every, single, time. And my friends and I all feared that we might break the glass rods or beakers some day lol.
  • Yeah, I last did an inorganic chem lab in undergrand a few (many) years ago. Fancy new lab building, all the bells & whistles. We definitely had everything in those labs even though we were undergrads. Doing stuff in ventilated hoods so we wouldn't poison the class. Good times.

    I remember one time, I thought I was f'ing up the lab, not measuring stuff properly (like micro whatevers and whatnot)... repeated the steps over and over, then gave up in frustration. When I came back the next day to see what came out of the experiment, I was thinking I totally blew it.

    It turns out that I created the purest sample of the compound, resulting in the biggest crystal in the class after the solvent stuff evaporated overnight. Despite feeling like I failed, I got the best result. Weird.

    It was actually kind of cool even if it didn't feel like it at the time.
    It worked out, but I knew that level of precision work was not for me. (I'd probably be good at it if it wouldn't give me a heart attack while doing it.)

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