Missing fac files

In the process of reinstalling everything. So far I have only the "base" g8f g8m stuff installed, and a few expression sets. I decided to look into my log, see why my g8f already taking minutes to load up. A few of my newer base people seem to be looking for FAC files I don't have. facs_ctrl_Wink.dsf, facs_ctrl_Triumph.dsf, facs_ctrl_Scream.dsf, facs_ctrl_Rage, facs_ctrl_Pouty, facs_ctrl_Pain, facs_ctrl_Happy, facs_ctrl_Glare.dsf, and facs_ctrl_Fierce.dsf. Are these part of some addon expression set, or should have been in the starter essentials or what? Anyone know?
1. Make sure you are using the latest version of DAZ (
2. Download & Install the latest version of the Genesis 8 Starter Essentials
3. Download & Install the latest version of the Default Resources
Yeah, it's a new installation, so all those things are fresh downloads. I lost all the locally saved stuff I had.
After a quick search through my library I don't have those either, So I would say they are from an add_on pack. Tho saying that I do have those under Victoria 8.1 with the label facs_Victoria8_1_ctrl_Wink.dsf etc.
Do you see any complaints in your log about them being missing?
Nothing in my log file about any FACS Errors
Welp, in case anyone happens to wander into this thread, VIA the googles or whatever. The answer is that the files mentioned are inside https://www.daz3d.com/genesis-8-female-expressions this pack. For some reason or other, I either skipped it when I was doing mass installs, or hit the cancel button or something.
That explains why I don't get the error as I don't have that pack