Daz Install Manager (DIM) Download Failed

I am in the process of transferring my content to a new computer. I installed DIM sucessfully, but when I signed in to it to download Daz Studio and PostGreSQL DIM just tells me 'download failed''
I looked in the log, and I get teh following error message repeatedly.
2021-11-13 17:20:46.374 WARNING: SSL Error: 11 - The issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be found
2021-11-13 17:20:46.374 WARNING: Network Error: : SSL handshake failed
Can anyone help me resolve this?
Post edited by amysparkles on
Nevermind. I figured out the issue. I forgot to re-import the metadata in Daz Studio.
Before that, I even tried Daz Central for the first time, but i have to admit, an update crashed halfway through installing, and I could not see all my installed content as I can in DIM.
DIM is currently downloading all the new content I purchased. :)
So, DS installation is now a prerequisite to downloading purchased content via DIM. It does explain why I was getting the same error after my last forced DIM update.
I use an old PC for internet stuff, so have my programs on another PC that is not networked. I had to use dim to download a plugin for DS, Daz do not allow downloading plugins manually. But all I got was the error you show above.
I did put in a ticket for the problem, but when my 30 days to return purchase was running out, I put in a ticket for refund. They gave me the refund, but then merged my 2 tickets and declared it resolved.
Reimporting metadata has nothing to do with installing through DS. If you lose the database for any reason then it is a way to recover the metadata that was initially added to the database by the Daz Central/Install Manager, and it's also a way to add the metadata for manual installations.
I did not mention installing through DS.
What did "So, DS installation is now a prerequisite to downloading purchased content via DIM" mean? If you eman it is necessary to have DS isntalled then the same applies - reimporting metadata is soemthing you would do after a database reset, not part of the basic installation.
The point being..
It is only recently that having DS installed is a requirement.
Previously I would only have DIM installed and download DS(betas) and any content I purchase. I do not use DS on this PC, it is not capable.
Why the change, why a need to have DS installed?
I think you are looking at the defauly install set, which offers to install Daz Studio and the base content in a single action. You can uncheck the option to always show that, cancel it, and install whichever items you wish. It's there as a convenience, it isn't an attempt to force you to install anything.
I have gone through that multiple times, but always get the error as shown in first post. (SSL Error: 11 - The issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be found)
If you re-read the thread:-
First post shows error being shown with downloads failed. Second post shows solution found was updating metadata in DS.
So if solution to fix error with DIM is to update DS metadata, then DS needs to be installed prior to downloading content.
The frst half of the if-then is false, and so is the second. The actions may have helped the other person incidentally but they are not, or certainly should not, be required. reimporting metadata does not do anything to DIM - both populate the database, but DIM does not use the database to track content. the certificate is to do with secure net connection, not the database itself 9though communication does use Internet Protocol on the local machine).
It's entirely credible that the DIM connection might require a certificate which isn't, itself, installed with DIM but I just tested it I don't get any error on a (random) download. I didn't even install Postgres. I just installed DIM, ran it and updated it (to, logged in and downloaded a random "poses" package. DAZ Studio has never been installed on the machine in question (it's a Windows Surface with minimal config that I use when travelling), neither had DIM been installed. I have visited the daz3d.com web site and it is up-to-date, so the certificates I have stored are the latest ones.
I suggest doing a Windows Update or the Mac equivalent to ensure the machine certificate store is up-to-date. I don't know how the browsers work but going to the Daz web site might simply force that to happen.