Rotating along a specific axis in the vertex modeler

I know it's possible to change the hot point of an object in the main window, but can it be done in the vertex modeler? I don't see an option to change the hot point of the manipulator.
In the attached screenshot, I'd like to put the manipulator in the center of the rocket (0, 0, 0) and duplicate and rotate the fin 120 degrees so I have 3 fins, then weld the points together to make it into one object.

705 x 806 - 79K
Post edited by sean_27e3c1db61 on
You can not move the hot point of your selection, however there is an easy way to do what you want.
I believe you want three fins for your rocket so what needs to be done is to copy-paste what you have selected, click the rotate tool, then on in the right pane, set the axis to "z" , click where is says "0" and enter 120. This will rotate the fin where you need, then you will have to manually place the fin where is goes on the rocket.
For the last fin copy, paste and enter -120.
We can have it,in center using Dinamic Extrusion in this case you need redoing that something like this and use manipulators to get what you want
I think this is what you're looking for:
Highlight the polygons that make up the fin and select "Detach Polygons" from the "Model" menu.
While the polygons are still selected, name them using the Name command under the Selection menu.
Locate a vertex that is at the x,y center of the rocket body. If the body was constructed from a sphere, you will likely have one vertex at the top and one at the bottom that you can use as the center of rotation. (In the Vertex Modeling room you can only change the center of rotation to an existing vertex.)
Using the "Move" tool, comtrol-alt click (Windows), or option-command click (Macintosh), on the vertex that you want as the center of rotation. The vertex will turn yellow.
At this point the selected polygons of the fin will unselect. Reselect them with the Select by > name command, under the Selection menu.
With the fin polys reselected, switch to the "Rotate" tool. You will see the rotate widget appear around the yellow vertex selected earlier.
Duplicate the fin.
You can now rotate the duplicate fin around the center of the rocket body either manually, or numerically. Choose the z axis and use 120 and -120 degrees to get your desired result.
Hope that helps.
After all these years I learned a new trick....didn't realize the hot point could be moved to other existing vertices....I will remember....Thanks!
My Pleasure.
It's pretty obscure. I couldn't even find it in the Carrara 7 manual.
It's something that I picked up a long time ago from someone else on the forum.
Well i must admite that i also learn it after 2 years using Carrara.Thats a nice thing.I make a wish that some day modelling in carrara stop whats it seems a tabu.We read in forum lots of things but about modelling its quite silence lol for me is a good thing since i cant ear what people say in video tutorials :)
OMG!! de3an, thank you so much! I never knew about this. So helpful, thank you
Those are looking great Selinita, thanks for sharing!
Glad this old thread is still helping people (posted over 4 years ago
Just goes to show how valuable the forum history can be.
Oh, Lol, I didn't even notice the dates. Wish I had seen this back when originally posted.
Can't tell you how many times I have wished for a way to rotate a selection that wasn't 'centered' on the selection, if that makes sense.