Mac maybe 3Delight comebacK

Mac without Filamnet. I hope the 3delight comes back to life. I use a simple MAC Mini M1 and 3Delight works really well and it seems like the best solution at the moment. So please resume further development.
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
3Delight, like Iray, is developed by an outside company - Daz licenses it, and gets .dylib files to call from DS to do the rendering but does not have any control over the code. My unerstanding is that version of 3Delight used has not been updated because the one we have is, some minor dot releases aside, the last that will use RSL shader code - any further update would break all existing 3Delight shaders and materials.
...which wouldn't be a terrible loss, if you ask me, as most of them are/were less than optimal anyway