What are the black & white product tabs?

I've noticed several items in my libraries that are not in color, instead they are in black and white. I click on one and it starts to download. If the black and white images represents bought items that haven't been downloaded yet, then why don't they show up in my Daz Install Manager's list?

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Black and white means it hasn't been installed at all, according to the database. Coloured but with the circled triangle icon at top-right means installed by another method, not through DS; that shouldn't download when you double-click on it.
Thanks for getting back so fast. When you said "installed by another method", do you mean it should be installed at all when I double click on it? So far I've downloaded two that way while in Daz Studio. Why sell something in their site if you can install them with Daz Install Manager? Doing it one by one takes even longer.
Most content can be isntalled through Daz Central, Daz Instal manager, or through Daz Studio itself - each has its benefits and drawbacks, though Install manager is the most flexible and can install the widest range of content (Daz central can't handly non-Daz Studio, or beta versions of Daz Studio; plug-ins cannot be isntalled through Daz Studio, and some scripts have not been written in a way that works when installed through daz Studio). as long as the content is isntalled in some way (coloured thumbnail) it should work.
The trick is finding them all that I have to use DAZ itself to install. The other day I found over a dozen under 'All Files' at the bottom of the list. I found I could do more than one at a time by clicking on several to install. Today I found on under 'Lost and Found' that I didnt' see the other day. Also, out of curiosity, what in the heck is the Lost and Found for? I have mayber hundreds of items listed there just hiding in it. Some of them I've forgotten about since they are not in their category files. I found I could move them to the category listing I want one by one, but that's going to take forever.
Lost and Found is for things that don't otherwise hav a category - categorising files should remove them, but some older items may be saved with it as an explicit assignment. Products wil appear in Lost adn Found if they have one or more files there, even if the files that do something are all properly categorised.
So, how do you categorize them?
Right-click>Categorise, on files or folders.