Strand based hair attached to objects

Good afternoon
Thank you for reading my request.
I am trying to make a shag/fur style rug or throw.
I have an object, and i go into Create Strand Based Hair.
I select it, i paint it, i do all the adjustments, yet.. when i go to Render the scene, the area rug is still just the area rug, or when I've used a plane, its still just a plane.
As far as i know i've followed all the steps, is there something i should be paying attention to? have i accidentally changed a setting??
Pay attention to what tool you have selected. Do not select the Geometry Editor tool or Mesh Grabber tool when rendering.
Thanks!! I'll give that a try!
You are rendering in Iray, aren't you? Are you doing a "real" render and not just an Iray preview? If you are looking at Iray preview in the viewport, you need to select the strand based hair object in the Scene pane and turn on Preview PR Hairs in the Parameters pane. Make sure your Render Line Tessellation Sides is at least 2 (3 is default and a good value to use).
Here is a plane I made with strand based hair on it. Does the attached scene file render for you? It should look like this:
Unless you want to export so you can attempt to make morphs for the hair; it can work.