Looking for a free Compiling program...

foleyprofoleypro Posts: 485

Any suggestions...

I own ParticleFXDS and I need to recompile the plugin...

Doing this on my own again,I compiled a version in Microsoft Express back in 2014 but I cant release that plugin for sale...I need a free Compiler that I can compile for commercial use...

Unless I find a Programmer who has the proper program and willing to either be paid $400.00 upfront or a royalty base pay..


  • cwgantcwgant Posts: 16
    edited December 1969

    I would like to know more about the issue you're having. I write plugins for DAZ Studio (C++/Qt). Let me know.


  • foleyprofoleypro Posts: 485
    edited December 1969

    c++ is the Language last working build was for DS4.5 SDK...

    Last programmer has a well know Plugin out and didnt have time to work on ParticleFX...

    Call back errors is what he said...

  • edited December 1969

    Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition is free, also free for commercial use.
    But it is huge. Like 10GB huge.

    There is also Clang. But if you are from WIndows only world probably using VS 2013 is easier.

  • foleyprofoleypro Posts: 485
    edited December 1969

    Thanks all...

    Will see if I can get a working build out and If I can't then I will be back...

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 1969

    Personally, I lean towards MinGW...


    But since I run mainly on Linux and have maybe compiled 3 C/C++ programs on Windows in the last 10 yrs, Mingw usually fits my needs.

  • Cross22Cross22 Posts: 66
    edited December 1969

    mjc1016 said:
    Personally, I lean towards MinGW...
    But since I run mainly on Linux and have maybe compiled 3 C/C++ programs on Windows in the last 10 yrs, Mingw usually fits my needs.

    That's nice and all but does not help if you want to compile DAZ plugins against the DAZ SDK which ships with libraries for VS and XCode/clang.

    Here's the link to the free VS: https://www.visualstudio.com/

  • dragorthdragorth Posts: 10
    edited December 1969

    mjc1016 said:
    Personally, I lean towards MinGW...


    But since I run mainly on Linux and have maybe compiled 3 C/C++ programs on Windows in the last 10 yrs, Mingw usually fits my needs.

    It should be noted that mingw, at least the 32bit version, is an older fork of the gcc toolchain that uses undocumented features of Windows, and has been known to break application compatibility between Windows releases.

    Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition is free, and Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition will be as well when it comes out in the next month or two. The later will include Clang for OS X cross compiling, though I haven't tried the feature myself.

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