Subsurface Scattering Issue
I'm trying around with various SSS-Textures for G2 and found the "Aiko 6" Texture very amazing. But as soon as the model gets further away from the camera I get nasty scattering or shadow errors on the rendering (see attached file - i hope it's not too small)
Does anyone know a fix for this problem? How can I avoid these errors? I also get them when I use other textures that use SSS, allthough not as extreme as with Aiko 6
953 x 909 - 127K
You will need to adjust the shading rate on the skin surfaces to phase out the effect.
Hey, I already tested increasing or decreasing shading rate, but it didn't work :( is there an alternative solution?
The one other thing to try is select all of your skin surfaces and change the group ID number, in case there is conflict, but I suspect it's more related to the shading rate or you would see the group id conflict in the closer render as well. What is the shading rate set at?
SSS Shading Rate, low values for close ups, higher values for distant and depending how far away you might need to go as high as 128. :)
No. I'm seeing the same effects in mine and I've been playing with the shading rates on both the figure and render settings but to no avail. And these were figures with textures that used to render perfectly with no problem. Now all of a sudden they're not working. It happened to me with the Olympia 6 and Domina textured figures.
Ok what SSS Scale are you using and have you followed Razor's advice on the Group ID settings if you are rendering multiple figures in the same scene that use sss?
SSS Shading Rate, low values for close ups, higher values for distant and depending how far away you might need to go as high as 128. :)
so, after a looong time I found the time to experiment again and it turned out, that Szark's method seems to work in some way... allthough the other way round ;) in fact higher Shading rates make it worse, while lower shading rates seem to mend the problmem but reeeaaally slow down the rendering speed. But that's a thing I can live with.
Weird because I know I am right that high values are for distant shots and low values for close ups. Well that is how it works in Uber Surface and AOA shader shouldn't be any different. But it also depends on the render setting shading rate too as high values will show the underlying mesh and low values, like 0.20 should fix that.
Why even bother with SSS on distant characters?
Is it worth the extra rendertime/cost to enable it on background/distant shots, when the effect isn't going to be all that noticeable, if at all?
Personally for me no it isn't worth the overhead.