Please tell me how to fix the duplicate icon of draw style.

tanutanutanutanu Posts: 25
edited November 2021 in Daz Studio Discussion

daz studio

When launch the customize window, the icon looks like this.

However, the draw style has duplicate icons.

How can I fix the duplication?

613 x 648 - 61K
206 x 330 - 19K
Post edited by tanutanu on


  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,558

    Those are not duplicates. The ones listed in the Customize dialog are the commands built into the program. You can assign them to menus or toolbars or change shortcut keys. The Viewport Drawmode menu is where they are actually used, and is part of the user interface.

  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,192
    edited November 2021

    NorthOf45 said:

    Those are not duplicates. The ones listed in the Customize dialog are the commands built into the program. You can assign them to menus or toolbars or change shortcut keys. The Viewport Drawmode menu is where they are actually used, and is part of the user interface.

    think they're referring to how the icons for smooth shaded, texture shaded and cartoon shaded are different in the preferences menu, but the same within the viewport menu. If much of a problem is that for you, really? 

    Post edited by Gordig on
  • tanutanutanutanu Posts: 25
    edited November 2021

    Thank you very much.

    I found that it had nothing to do with customization.
    However, the icons seem to be duplicated.

    This image is a draw style of

    How can I fix the duplication?


    I'm not an English-speaking person, so the visual information of icons is important.

    Is this only the beta version?


    176 x 287 - 23K
    Post edited by tanutanu on
  • I'm not aware of a way to fix it, I get much the same effect. Please report it to support as I suspect it's one of those weird issues that affects only some users, so extra cases may help to narrow it down.

  • Thank you very much.

  • tanutanutanutanu Posts: 25
    edited December 2021

    With Google Translate

    It wasn't just the duplicate icons.

    It is easy to understand if G3 is displayed.
    Texture Shaded G3F with duplicate icons

    Texture Shaded G3F in normal condition

    It's just a solution I found myself.
    Delete the following registry.

    This will require you to re-register the content directory.

    It might be easier to narrow down the registries to delete, but I haven't tried it.

    1, uninstall daz studio.

    2, reinstall daz studio after deleting the registry

    We do not recommend it because it is a dangerous act.
    Please do it at your own risk.

    150 x 100 - 14K
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    Post edited by tanutanu on
  • I was talking to daz, but I couldn't find a solution to this day.

    Therefore, it is a self-help solution.

  • Images removed - please don't post textured, nude figures - in this case you could have shown the issue by zooming in on the head.

    I strongly advise against making registry edits - I believe you issue may have been different settings in the Interface tab for Per Pixel Shading.

  • With Google Translate

    I corrected the image.

    What I wanted to fix was a duplicate icon.
    As long as there is no way to fix it, it can't be helped.

  • I have the same issue here, and have discussed it with support. Unfortunately issues like this, which seem to be system-dependent. are very hard to track down.

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