Iray preview and group node visibility

I am in the process of getting a product approved on Renderosity.
One of the files in the product is a test scene for Iray with primitive shapes organized in groups which need to be toggled on or off to see the various effects.
The tester contacted me because, among other things, the visibility toggles on the group nodes don't affect the visibility in the Iray preview (I initially thought it was the same for the renders, but the renders works as expected).
Here is a simplified scene reproducing the issue in Daz Studio (it also happens with the public beta
I just created a sphere (Create > New Primitive... > Sphere) and then put it into a group (Create > New Group... > Parent Selected Item(s) to New Group).
I didn't touch the material, it's the default Iray Uber.
When I click on the eye icon next to the group node in the Scene tab, the little eyes close for both the group node and the sphere node, but the sphere is still visible in the Iray preview (I can rotate around the sphere and it is still there).
I order to make the sphere disappear in the preview, I have to leave the group node visibility on, and manually toggle the visibility on each child node.
I told the tester that I couldn't fix it, and they accepted my explanation, but they told me that they had never seen this type of failure before.
So, am I the only one experiencing this? Since the tester has the issue with my files, could my machine be messing up the files somehow?

I can reproduce this using your steps. Please report it to Daz via a Technical Suport ticket
Thanks. I created a ticket.