Why do the feet skating

I have a motion capture system of xsens -awinda and in any software I bring into it the mocap file like MB or ICLONE or 3DMAX or POSER the legs look stable on the ground only in DAZ STUDIO I get skating motion in the legs. And also slight tremors in the movement of the hands.
Anyone have any idea how to solve this problem?
Thanks in advance to all respondents
It's because Daz Studio only has forward kinematics. All motion comes from the hip bone. There's no IK handles to fix limbs to surfaces.
Is there no tool or script to fix this problem ?
Treat Daz Studio as an asset library only and export to any of the other programs you mentioned.
You can try Mister casual's limb script for G3, and a G3-to-G8 pose converter... Generate/save the animation/script for G3, then load the pose/animation for G8 and convert it to a G3 pose, hope this helps!
Nonsense, Daz Studio does have IK. It is not without its flaws, and it probably isn't being used here, but it does exist. In any event, IK is not being used by an imported motion-captured sequence.
As for why the data is not working in DS, what format are you using to import it? What options did you choose in the options dialogue, if there was one?
I tried two ways
1. Export G8 FBX to Motion Builder
I did a G8 characterization I imported the motion from MVN ANIMATE (XSENS) into Motionbuilder I did all the steps needed to apply the motion file to the G8 and then everything looks great !!! I did bake to PLOT and then I just selected the G8 and exported to DAZ again in FBX format
I did import to DAZ and my legs are slipping
2. Export as FBX from there to 3DXchange where the characterization is done automatically and then I did a conversion to it.
Import the motion file as an FBX
convert to non-standard
Characterization as MAYA HUMAN-IK
And applied the motion to the G8 and everything looked great
Exports the G8 as an FBX back to the DAZ and the legs slide
by the way Also in ICLONE the MOTION looks great
The purpose of IK is to fix limbs in place so figures can interact with the environment.
Daz's "IK" has no control handles to fix limbs in place.
If you move the hip bone too much, the limbs move out of position, defeating the purpose.
I stand by my statement that Daz doesn't have (true) inverse kinematics.
Thank you I will try it
False, IK chains in recent builds of DS do have aprentable targets - it is true that for a long time these were not available.
Yes, that is true and an acknowledged issue - but that doesn't mean that DS lacks IK, just that its IK is easily overwhelmed by the force of the characters motion. However, if the pins were more secure then the IK would have to fall short of its target - it is not possible to have both irresiststible forces and immovable objects.
So it wasn't an original Genesis 8 you were using but a figure that had been round-tripped through FBX?
If I'm using a program with real IK--like Blender--and I position a figure's IK control handles on the rungs of a ladder, even if I drag that figure all around the scene its hands will always return to the rungs of the ladder with the same rotation and translation they had before, so long as the limbs are within range of the control handles.
That is IK.
What Daz has is not IK. It's more a suggestion of IK.
You suggest where the hands should go, but the program is free to ignore it.
If you have RL 3DX pipelin you should export BVH to Daz studio
as it is fulyl supported by Daz studio .
My youtube channel has many examples of G8 figures
with solid foot planting from Fk baked BVH imports to Daz studio.
@eliezerbh_813cdbc78b I suspect that the FBX is not properly understanding the ThighBend bones' orientation, which is small, but not zero. Not large enough to make the animation look awful, but enough to make the feet end up in the wrong place via the baked FK.
As @wolf359 says (really, try to create the habit of just doing whatever wolf says :) ) BVH is usually better for this sort of thing since it doesn't even know what orientation is, only affects the joint rotations, and therefore can't mess it up. Since you're using a bona fide retargeter, it already knows about the twist bones and should bake the BVH correctly.
You know the saying "if it works do not touch"!
I saw that the route I did through exporting from MVN ANIMATE to MotionBuilder as an FBX file and applying it to G8 in MotionBuilder and exporting back to DAZ now works great for me. Having corrected the same things I wrote about in the last post and this is what I need.
I guess if I do the same process in 3DXchange and finally make the same changes I wrote in the last post it will also work fine.
But I must note that I have already tried to export from 3DXchange in BVH format and it did not solve the problem.
Anyway I promise to sit down and watch all the videos of @ wolf359 to learn and discover more things I do not know