Baking Normals: Please "Translate" This Tutorial
I'm watching Andrew Price's Youtube tutorial on baking normals. Unfortunately he's using an old version of Blender and my version (2.912) has a completely different interface. For starters, where is the Bake button (and for that matter, the Render Panel) in 2.912? Thanks.
Post edited by zombiewhacker on
Why not just watch something like this? Andrew's not the only good teacher out there... I've learned a lot from Jayanam as well.
A good rule of thumb is to watch tutorials made for blender version 2.80 and after. There were many changes from 2.79 to 2.80, making the older tutorials less applicable.
Jayanam's are good, I've watched many of them. :)
Thank you, that tutorial's much more helpful. Unfortunately, when trying to do a normals bake with a G8F, I get a circular dependency error and Blender crashes. If I disconnect the texture node in shader mixer, bake completes without crashing, but finished result is all blue, no normals shading coloring, even after setting extrusion in bake settings to higher than 1m.
Agreed, but I was simply following a link recommended by Chevybabe25 in her ReadMe for Porefectionist HD Skin Details.