Animation problem after morphing

Hi everyone,
I did a morphing with an external software and here is the procedure:
I exported Genesis 8 (in base resolution) and I made some modifications then I imported Genesis 8 Morph with "Morph Loader Pro" and the morphing goes well but why when I animate it with "aniMate" my Genesis 8 Morph figure is deformed ?
Do you know this problem ?
After importing a custom sculpted morph from another software, You really need to "Adjust Bones To Shape". You can find it in the menus and it does exactly what it says it will do. After that it's really worth doing an "ERC Freeze" and saving it as a morph asset that will appear for all compatible features.
Thanks a lot,
To adjust the bones to the shape I did this "Figure/rigging/adjust rigging to shape" is this correct?
What is "ERC Freeze" and what is it for?
Yes, that's the correct procedure for adjusting rigging to shape. At this point your morph should work just fine for that figure in that scene. ERC Freeze is complicated, and I'm not sure I exactly understand it, but it's necissary if you want to save your morph as a morph asset that can be used simply in the future.
If you sculpted your morph on anything other than the default base figure it's also really worth using the "reverse deformations" setting while first importing with the morph loader.
Here's a link that should help. It's kind of in the middle of the lesson, and the info you need might be on another page, but it's right there somewhere.
"Extended Remote Control" allows you to control one property with another, similar to drivers in Blender or other 3D programs. You can make a bit of scripting that says "If this bone is rotated greater than 45 degrees, activate this corrective morph." Each property can have Controllers (other properties that control it) or Sub-Components (other properties that it controls).
"ERC Freeze" is a shortcut that allows you to create multiple ERC links at once, if a property deviates from its memorized value (i.e. the number is white instead of gray). You memorize the figure with Edit -> Memorize -> Memorize Figure, make whatever changes you want to create properties for, and then run an ERC Freeze to create a snapshot of those changes.
Thank you very much, your link was helpful.
Your answer leads me to ask another question:
Is it possible to import a Morph that is not the original figure "Genesis 8 for example" with "Morph Loader Pro" using "Reverse Deformations" ?
Thank you very much, but ERC Freeze seems to be too complicated for me... I'll read more about it
No, it's not possible to import a morph that is not based on whatever genberation of figure you're trying to morph. Morph geometry must have the exact same number of vertices in the exact same order. You can make a morph for anything though, cars, houses, hair, a cube primitive, anything.
ERC Freeze is comlicated if you really want to understand it's many uses, but for the purpose of making morphs for charcters, it's simple and necessary. After importing your morph with the morph loader, adjust rigging to shape, then right click in the propertiers pane and select "Edit Mode". This will change thge state of the property pane and allow you access to some new menus. Right click the propertyy pane again and youll have the option to "ERC Freeze". It's kind of burried so that you have to know to look for it. Unless your figure is really different from the base figure, in which case the automatic bone adjustment wouldn't have really worked either, the more complicated directions and understanding just aren't needed here.
After that you're done. Assuming that you used reverse deformations, or sculpted on the base genesis figure to start with, you can now save your morph as a morph asset and it will appear for all compatible figures.
ERC Freeze is not necessary, it's just convenient. In fact, I'd recommend connecting morphs manually through the Property Heirarchy first, so you know what it's actually doing, before you start relying on the shortcut tool that automates everything.
If you enable Edit Mode, as Spacious said, you can click and drag the "M" and "P" besides each property into the Property Heirarchy pane. If you drop them onto the Controllers and Sub-Components sections, you establish a parent/child relationship. You can then use the settings to determine how the parent property controls the child property's values. There's also ERC Multiply, which allows you to control when a morph is applied (if, say, you only want a body morph to be applied to Christian 8 only, you would drag the Christian 8 Body slider over to the morph's ERC Multiply--when Christian 8 is at 0.0, your morph will be multipled by that, which will always result in 0.0).
Hi, thanks for these explanations.
After importing my morph with "Morph Loader Pro" and "adjust rigging to shape" I have to do "ERC Freeze" but if I don't do "ERC Freeze" what will happen because I have trouble understanding?
Thank you, but it's very difficult for me to understand, do you know a video tutorial or something that explains to a beginner how "ERC Freeze" works to make morphs
ERC Freeze doesn't make morphs, you load the morphs with Morph Loader Pro. When it's loaded, the morph is associated with a slider in the Properites pane. By moving the slider between 0.0 and 1.0, you can use the morph to change the position of vertices in 3D space.
By default, properties are set to 0.0. If you move the slider, the number turns white. That indicates the property has been changed from its default value.
When you use ERC Freeze, it will record every property that is different from the default (i.e. the numbers are white) and create a new slider that controls them. If you dial in Holt 8's body and Christian 8's head and run an ERC Freeze, then it will create one slider that dials in Holt 8 Head and Christian 8 Body together. It creates properties that control other properties, based on whatever values are different from the default.
You can memorize properties, using Edit -> Memorize, to change the default values and thus exclude properties from ERC Freeze.
Thank you very much, now I understand what "ERC Freeze" is for and it's true that it's useful when there are several morphs or when you make a morph to another morph...
But I can't find "Edit -> Memorize"... where do you find it?
Merci, desolé car je'ai cherché dans un autre onglet..
Hello everyone,
I made a morph in blender but when I import the morph in Daz studio with Morph Loader Pro I get this error : "Geometry did not match".
I even tried to import Genesis 8 (in low resolution) into blender and then export it immediately without making any changes and I still get this error in Daz Studio: "Geometry did not match..."
Do you know what the problem is?
@ food.plus13 - Sounds like you may have sclpted your morph from the sub-divided figure, left the eyelashes attatched, or added / subrtacted vertices somehow.. Morphs for Genesis figures must be made with the Base geometry only and cannot include any extras like eyelashes. There must be the same number of vertices and they must be in the same order.
It's easiest to start with the Dev Load figure, it's already got no surfaces or eyelashes. Then just make sure to choose Base Resolution in the properties pane and export. Do not add or subtract any vertices and you should be all set.
Thank you for your reply... I had already removed the over-lashes, and exported in low resolution and Sub to 0, then I import on blender and export without any modification and I have the error message.
Is Daz compatible with Blender?
The issue of compatability is moot, since both import and export in the industry-standard Obj format.
Make sure you check "Keep Vertex Order" when you import into Blender and when you export from it. Otherwise Blender will sort the array of vertices to optimize it, and Daz Studio won't be able to tell which vertex goes where when you re-import it.
Oops. I am sorry. What margrave is saying about checking keep vertex order is the part I always forget to tell people.
Hello, thank you, but I had already checked "Keep Vertex Order".
Just to clarify...
You're saying that, if you do that, it still doesn't work?
In that case, you probably have an import/export setting checked which shouldn't be.
Thanks a lot, and yes of course I forgot to check "Keep Vertex Order" when importing into Blender... thanks again.
Hi everyone,
I have a list of morph settings (in cursor)
that I have set but how to save these settings in "Morph Assets" ?
I have tried several times without success.
Do I have to select all these settings and then select ERC Freeze? if so what should I do next?
I'm not sure what you mean, since the properties are all zeroed but they look like standard morphs.
Yes I know the properties are all at zero because I haven't done the morph settings yet because I'd like to know what to do next to record with "Morph Assets"?
Morph assets are used to save actual morphs, not setings for morphs (unless you want to create a new cotnroller, e.g. for a character shape made up of other morphs, and save that). If you just want to save setttings for reuse then use a Shaping preset.
Thank you Richard,
I didn't know that you can't use "Morph Assets"? to save morph parameters
As you say, if I create a new controller could I save the moph I managed to get with all the parameters (see picture above) with "Morph Assets"? If yes how please?
If you save a morph asset, it's added to your runtime so that it becomes available for every figure of the same gender/generation. That's how all of the morphs in the properties pane were created.
If you just want to save a morph for this particular file, you can just save as a scene or scene subset. It will keep both the morph and the property locally.
All Duf files are plaintext. You can open them in Notepad (as long as they're not compressed). If you save a shaping preset, it will just look for the morph name stored in the file and apply the associated value to it. So you can either save a shaping preset for a morph in your runtime or a morph saved locally--provided it exists inside the file.
Thank you margrave, but it's too complicated for me to understand what to do in my case.
I will try to explain to you so that you know what I want to do:
I acquired "New Gens For Victoria 8" which is compatible with Genesis 8, so I added the genital part to my genesis 8 figure (see picture 1) and then I made some adjustments to have the vagina that suits me.
So there is a hole in the genesis 8 figure (see picture 2)
I just want to save the morph of the vagina that I made with the help of preregulations in "morph asset" preferably to use this vaginal morph with other compatible miniatures...
For the vagina presets (see picture 3)
I hope to have been understood
Just save it as a morph asset then. I think you need to select the [M] icon next to the slider so that Daz Studio knows which morph you're trying to save, but I could be wrong about that.